Ramiro Calle

Yoga in the Jungle

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      In memory of my beloved and sadly missed brother Miguel Angel Calle,

      a sensitive soul and great poet, who always supported me in my personal

      and professional life. He was a generous person, always ready to help others.

      He was my greatest friend, and I will always be in debt to him. - Ramiro Calle -

      To my dear friends, I dedicate this beautiful song of friendship. With love.

      - Nívola Uyá -

       Yoga in the Jungle

      Text © Ramiro Calle

      Illustrations © Nívola Uyá

      This edition © 2014 Cuento de Luz SL

      Calle Claveles 10 | Urb Monteclaro | Pozuelo de Alarcón | 28223 | Madrid | Spain

      www.cuentodeluz.com Title in Spanish: Yoga en la selva English translation by Jon Brokenbrow

      ISBN: 978-84-16078-16-5

      Printed by Shanghai Chenxi Printing Co., Ltd. xxxx 2014, print number xxx

      All rights reserved

      Ravi and Tony first met in the enormous hall of the United States Embassy in Delhi. They

      were both running and crashed into each other. They looked at each other with surprised,

      questioning expressions, each of them wondering what the other was doing there.

      Ravi had very dark skin, hair as dark as jet stone, and glittering black eyes.

      “Who are you?” asked Tony, still in a slightly dazed state.

      “I’m Ravi,” said the little Indian boy, his voice full of confidence. “That was quite

      a bump you gave me! What’s your name?”

      “I’m Tony, the ambassador’s son. This is where I live.”

      “Well, I’m your gardener’s grandson,” replied Ravi, in a slightly mocking tone.

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