Florence Temko

Kirigami Greeting Cards and Gift Wrap

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      CAUTION: The projects in this book require cutting with scissors, which can cause physical injury if used improperly. Children should be supervised carefully and provided with any assistance they need to insure their safety when using scissors or other sharp objects.

      First published in 2004 by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd., with editorial offices at 364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, Vermont 05759

      Copyright © 2004 Florence Temko

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher.

      Temko, Florence.

      Kirigami greeting cards and gift wrap / Florence Temko.- 1st ed.

       p. cm.

      ISBN: 978-1-4629-1204-9 (ebook)

      1. Paper work. 2. Cut-out craft. 3. Greeting cards. 4. Gift

      wrapping. 1. Title. TT870.T4453 2004

      745.594' 1-dc22


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      Diagrams by Daniel P. Brennan based on original diagrams by Florence Temko Photographs by Dave Kutchukian

       Printed in Singapore

      You may use the designs and templates in this book for personal use or in educational settings free and without special permission. However, republication or reproduction of any illustration or design by any other graphic service whether it be in a book or any other design resource, is strictly prohibited, as is any commercial use of the designs in this book.

      "Intricate Dragon" on page 26 reprinted from Chinese Folk Designs by W. M. Hawley (Dover Publications, New York, 1949).

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       Kirigami Questions and Answers

       Papercutting Techniques

       Kirigami Prefold

       Decorations for Cards and Gift Wrap

       Kirigami Cutouts



       Dress-Up Dolls


       Mon-Kiri Japanese Crests

       Boys and Girls Together

       Flags and Shields

       Alphabet Soup



       Bunch of Grapes

       Hop on Over Invitation

       Three-Dimensional Cards

       Gate Cards

       For Your Valentine

       Roses Are Red

       Birthday Pop-Up

       Christmas Tree Card

       Fiesta Card

       Pop-Up for Any Occasion

       Boxes, Bags, and More

       Chrysanthemum Gift Box

       Book Mark

       Snowman Gift Bag

       Remember Dad Box




      Kirigami, the creative art of papercutting, is a surprisingly easy craft that requires only paper, a pair of scissors, and sometimes glue. With these simple means anyone can create greeting cards, calendars, and unusual gift wraps that will be welcome year round.

      The word kirigami suggests its connection to Japan: kiri means "cutting" and gami means "paper." For many designs a piece of paper is folded one or more times, with cuts added through all layers. When the paper is unfolded an unexpected symmetric design is revealed. As may be guessed, kirigami is related to origami, the art of folding paper, but many people find it to be easier.

      Cutting paper seems to be an instinctive pleasure. At an early age most children like to snip paper into small pieces. Before long they design pictures by pasting the shapes on a background. In Kirigami Greeting Cards and Gift Wrap this experience has been expanded for enjoyment by older children as well as adults, who can achieve magic results with just a few cuts.