Darren G. Davis

10th Muse: Blade of Medusa

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      10th Muse

      Blade of




      and DARREN G. DAVIS



      For A.J. & Linda Whelton.

      – Tom

      This book is dedicated to my personal

      muses Emma and Brett Davis.

      They are truly my daily inspiration.

      And to my brother Scott, without whom,

      mythology would still be Greek to me.

      – Darren

      Copyright ©2006 Bluewater Productions. All Rights Reserved.

      No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a

      retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission

      of the publisher.

      Edited by Johnny Lowe

      Story Editor: Darren G. Davis

      Cover by: Clint Hillinski

      C O N T E N T S

      P R O L O G U E

      • V •

      C H A P T E R


      • 1 •


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      • I •


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      • II •


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      • III •


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      • IV •


      Just over one hundred years ago, an American named Ethel

      Rogers participated in an archeological dig on the Greek

      Islands. After one exhausting but successful day, she neverthe-

      less continued working into the night enthusiastically recording

      the large number of artifacts the team had unearthed.

      Many enticing pieces of jewelry, eating utensils, and body

      armor had been recovered — but three specific items stood out

      from the rest.

      The first was a shield. Though obviously buried for hun-

      dreds of years, it was as sturdy and shiny as if it had been forged

      only yesterday.

      • V •

      T H O M A S J . M I S U R A C A

      The second item was a human skull, and it had been found

      on top of the shield, as if the shield had been used as a serving

      tray to display the skull.

      The third item was a sword. Like the shield, the sword did

      not appear to have suffered any damage for having been buried

      for so long. It was so shiny, Ethel caught her reflection in it. She

      stared into her own eyes.

      A pair of fiery red eyes stared back.

      That night, the three artifacts vanished.

      • V I •



      You know that feeling you get at the end of the school

      year? When the days grow more beautiful by the moment,

      and the last thing you want to do is stay inside, especially if that

      inside is a school? That’s how Emma Sonnet felt this morning.

      Emma did enjoy school, however. She was keen on learn-

      ing, especially art and history. Math threw her for a loop now

      and then, but she had to admit that she liked the challenge. Best

      of all though, school was the place where she was guaranteed to

      see her friends on a daily basis.

      Today was different from most days at the end of the year.

      Today was field trip day, something Emma felt she much need-

      ed and deserved. This meant she and her classmates got to get

      • 1 •

      T H O M A S J . M I S U R A C A

      out of school for a while. Even though school was almost out

      for the summer anyway, any time away from the grind was a


      They were going to a San Francisco art museum called the

      Legion of Honor. This didn’t thrill every student in the group,

      but it was a place Emma loved to visit.

      Plus, her two best friends were there: Dawn and Brett. The

      three had been friends since freshman year, and they shared

      many of the same classes and the same sense of humor. But