Morrie Warshawski

Shaking the Money Tree, 3rd Edition

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      “This third edition of Morrie Warshawski’s classic on raising money for filmmaking, Shaking the Money Tree, is a treasure chest of time-tested fundraising wisdom, insight, and down-to-earth guidance you can put to work today. It’s chock full of examples and advice, much of it in the words of highly successful filmmakers themselves. Buy this book without delay!”

      —Mal Warwick , author of Fundraising When Money Is Tight

      “This book is a monumental contribution of knowledge for filmmakers everywhere. It’s a masterpiece that guides you confidently from the concept to the completion of your film.”

      — Carole Dean, From the Heart Productions, author of The Art of Film Funding

      “Morrie Warshawski’s advice is valuable to all people, in all fields, not just independent film. He is as much a life coach as a consultant to indie filmmakers. I thoroughly enjoyed this new book and look forward to using it regularly, not only for the filmmakers I coach, but for myself.”

      —Cynthia Close, Executive Director, Documentary Educational Resources

      “Morrie Warshawski has done it again! Just when you think he couldn’t improve on his terrific book, Shaking the Money Tree, he has done just that. With this new 3rd edition Warshawski tells us everything we need to know about raising money in these difficult times. If you follow Morrie’s guidelines you have a better chance of raising money for your project and propelling your career forward. I don’t know a single filmmaker who couldn’t benefit from reading this book.”

      —Kelley Baker, The Angry Filmmaker (

      “Timely, cogent, clear and practical, this new edition of Shaking the Money Tree builds on timeless advice to include the new realities of fundraising in a networked world. With case studies and advice direct from pros throughout the field, it is just the resource for sparking and maintaining any filmmaker’s fundraising momentum.”

      —Sally Jo Fifer, President, CEO, Independent Television Service (ITVS)

      “This is the perfect fundraising book for filmmakers. Covering everything from pitching in person to fundraising on the web, this new edition is a must-own for every filmmaker — and actually for anyone raising funds, be it for a film or for their organization. While the book is geared towards filmmakers, the advice is relevant to anyone raising money in the arts. The sample grants in the appendix are worth the cost alone. This is the third time I’ve read this book, and I learn something new with every edition.”

      —Brian Newman, CEO, Tribeca Film Institute

      “Although specifically written for film and video artists, Shaking the Money Tree offers succinct and excellent advice that is applicable to artists in all fields. Morrie Warshawski has a relaxed and human-friendly writing style. His insights are on target and should resonate with those working in all arts disciplines.”

      —Caroll Michels, Career Coach and Artist-Advocate, author of How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist: Selling Yourself Without Selling Your Soul

      “During these difficult economic times, Morrie Warshawski’s Shaking the Money Tree is indispensable reading. This is a money marketing book that not only tells you where the money is but provides you with practical, popular, and even not-so-popular ways to access it. Obviously written by someone who knows the ropes when it comes to ‘creative financing’ for movies, Money Tree promises to bear fruit if you put into action the several strategies Warshawski provides in this comprehensive guide.”

      —Jeffrey M. Freedman, Resident Alien Productions, VP

       Development/Producer, screenwriter (Vivaldi)

      “Morrie Warshawski’s knowledge of fundraising is as essential now as it was when his first edition was published — maybe even more so. The world has changed dramatically — the economy, technology, even philanthropy — and Morrie has kept pace with those changes. A strategy for fundraising is a must and Morrie lays it out for you brilliantly. New filmmakers and seasoned pros: pay close attention!”

      —Alyce Myatt, Executive Director, Grantmakers in Film + Electronic Media


       THE MONEY


      The Art of


       for FILM and VIDEO PROJECTS

      3rd Edition


      M I C H A E L W I E S E P R O D U C T I O N S

      Published by Michael Wiese Productions

      12400 Ventura Blvd. #1111

      Studio City, CA 91604

      (818) 379-8799, (818) 986-3408 (FAX)

       [email protected]

      Cover design by MWP

      Interior design by William Morosi

      Copyedited by Paul Norlen

      Printed by McNaughton & Gunn

      Manufactured in the United States of America

      Copyright 2010 Morrie Warshawski

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Warshawski, Morrie.

      Shaking the money tree: the art of getting grants and donations for

      film and video projects / Morrie Warshawski. -- 3rd ed.

      p. cm.

      Includes bibliographical references.

      ISBN 978-1-932907-66-7

      1. Motion picture industry--United States--Finance. 2. Video recordings industry—United States—Finance. I. Title.

      PN1993.5.U6W33 2010



      Printed on Recycled Stock

      dedicated (again) to

       my three muses

       Evy, Leah, and Maura





       First Steps

       Next Steps

       Last Steps

       Chapter Two WHERE’S THE MONEY?