Zach Davis

From Time Management to Time Intelligence

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       Zach Davis with Juliana Kushner

       Time Intelligence

       From Time Management to Time Intelligence

       Peoplebuilding Publishing

       Zach Davis

      1. Edition

Title: Time Intelligence: From Time Management to Time Intelligence
ISBN: 978-3-941546-27-1
First Edition: Peoplebuilding, Geretsried, Germany (2014)

      All rights reserved. Printed in Germany. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.

Cover pictures: Peoplebuilding, Geretsried, Germany
Cover design: Berkan Sezer& Tobias Wieditz, Munich, Germany
Print: CPI Books, Ulm, Germany
Illustrations: Isabell Baur

      © 2014 Peoplebuilding Publishing, Geretsried, Germany

       Table of Contents


       The Best Rescuer in the World

       The Reality Regarding Time Management

       What’s the Perfect Solution?

       Introductions: Zach Davis and Juliana Kushner

       Learning from the Best

       Some Key Terms

       The Time Target

       Goals? Good Results and Less Stress!

       Your Roles in Life

       The Wheel of Life Management

       Tip 1: Commitment Management

       Tip 2: Master of Procrastination

       Tip 3: Creating Transparency

       Tip 4: Retaining the Rights to Your Time

       Tip 5: Rocks and Time Management

       Tip 6: Birds of a Feather

       Tip 7: Multitasking!?

       Tip 8: The 4-D Formula to Avoid Leaving Fingerprints

       Tip 9: The Always-and-Everywhere Disease

       Tip 10: The “TBM” Method

       Eight Principles of Highly Effective People

       Tip 11: Two Clocks – Double Your Time?!

       Tip 12: Clever Travel

       Tip 13: The Good-Enough Point

       Tip 14: Read and Have Read

       Tip 15: Ensure Replaceability

       Tip 16: Telephones as Tools for Efficiency

       Tip 17: Best Organization for Filing and Inbox

       Tip 18: The Master of Computers

       Tip 19: The Most Important Word in Time Intelligence

       Tip 20: Completely Scrap the Unnecessary

       Finding Solutions When There Are No Solutions

       Tip 21: Train Your Environment

       Tip 22: The Story of the Woodcutter

       Tip 23: The Optimal Meeting Point

       Tip 24: Anticipation – Seeing the Future

       Tip 25: The “How-does-it-work” Folder

       Tip 26: Watch Out! Meeting-itis is Going Around

       Tip 27: The Gas Principle

       Tip 28: Know Your Own Hourly Value

       Tip 29: The VIP List