Peter Gelderloos

Worshiping Power

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      Worshiping Power

      An Anarchist View of Early State Formation

      peter gelderloos

      “And perhaps solving the mystery of the birth of the State might also permit us to clarify the conditions of the possibility […] of its death.”

       —Pierre Clastres

      “Acudid los anarquistas

       empuñando la pistola hasta el morir

       con petróleo y dinamita

       toda clase de gobierno

       a combatir

       ¡y destruir!”

      —“Arroja la Bomba”

       Spanish anarchist song composed in prison in 1932, popularized in the revolution of 1936

      Dedicated to Harold H. Thompson and Kuwasi Balagoon, who died in the dungeons of the State after decades of confinement, to Matías Catrileo, shot down in the struggle to regain his people’s land, and to all those who continue fighting, inside and out.

      Special thanks to Elizabeth Cobb, for vigorous proofreading; to Tariq Khan, for suggestions and pointers; and to Jennifer Coffman, for the hearty criticism and research pointers that aided my first forays into scholarly writing more than ten years ago.




      I. Take Me to Your Leader:

       The Politics of Alien Invasion


      II. Ze Germans: A State-Making Technology


      III. Save Me from Yourself: The Statist Spread of Salvation Religions


      IV. Sleeper States and Imperial Imaginaries:

       Authority’s Afterlife and Reincarnation


      V. The Modern State: A Revolutionary Hybrid


      VI. Zomia: A Topography of Positionality


      VII. Chiefdoms and Megacommunities:

       On the Stability of Non-State Hierarchies


      VIII. They Ain’t Got No Class: Surpluses and the State


      IX. All in the Family: Kinship and Statehood


      X. Building the Walls Higher: From Raiding to Warfare


      XI. Staff and Sun: A New Symbolic Order


      XII. A Forager’s Mecca: Dreams of Power


      XIII. From Clastres to Cairo to Kobane: Learning from States







      For over a hundred years, anarchists have been accused of both romanticism and of radical cynicism; the former, for insisting that humanity’s original condition is total freedom and that even now we can create societies free of coercive institutions and live on the basis of mutual aid, solidarity, and voluntary association; and the latter for maintaining that all forms of government, from the most dictatorial to the most democratic, are fundamentally oppressive, and that capitalism is incapable of producing anything but misery. Now, mainstream scholarship is finally lending credibility to the anti-authoritarian intuition of revolutionaries like Mikhail Bakunin and Emma Goldman, and to the subversive theories of scientists like Pyotr Kropotkin and Élisée Reclus.

      The question of how and why states were formed is the keystone of Western civilization’s creation mythology. Most readers will share my experience of having been brought up in a society where history begins with the appearance of the State. Anything outside its domain is a Dark Age, terra incognita, a savage and barbarian land. We are taught that communities created the hierarchical structures of territorial governance that would eventually solidify as states out of a need to organize more efficiently, to respond to natural disasters or population growth, to administer large-scale infrastructure, to defend against hostile outsiders, to protect individual rights through a social contract, or to regulate economic production and surplus value. All of these hypotheses are demonstrably false, yet we are continually indoctrinated to accept them, to keep us from grasping the predatory, parasitic, elitist, and completely unnecessary nature of the State. Official versions of the story of state formation can be triumphant, portraying the State as an escape from barbarism, or they can be cynical, acknowledging the State to be a continuation of human savagery, but at all costs we must believe that state formation was necessary to human progress and that states are an indispensable part of global society today.