Rob Dalrymple

Understanding the New Testament and the End Times, Second Edition

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      Understanding the New Testament and the End Times

      Second Edition

      Rob Dalrymple


      Understanding the New Testament and the End Times, Second Edition

      Copyright © 2018 Rob Dalrymple. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

      Wipf & Stock

      An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

      199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3

      Eugene, OR 97401

      paperback isbn: 978-1-5326-4947-9

      hardcover isbn: 978-1-5326-4948-6

      ebook isbn: 978-1-5326-4949-3

      Manufactured in the U.S.A. 04/16/18

      All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are take from the New American Standard Bible ®, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

      To the loving memory of my mom

      You are my hero


      There have been many people who have helped in the writing of this book. Without their tireless efforts I am not sure this project would ever have been completed. I would like to thank Josh Jonas, Clint Rutledge, Vinnie Angelo, Jim Sawyer, Paul Hinsberg, and Fr. Leo Arrowsmith for their help with the early drafts of this book. Most notably, I wish to thank my brother Bill, who has always been a great encouragement, and for the great input with regard to most of the manuscript. I am quite indebted to the detailed assistance of Ian Spencer who offered tremendous aid in the final draft of this book. Tom Biesiada was also of great help. Tom read most of the manuscript and graciously provided invaluable insights. This work would not have been completed with any degree of quality without their efforts.

      Much thanks must go to my wife Toni, who has always supported me and my research. She has sacrificed greatly to allow me to devote the time necessary to do the writing and research that made this project happen. I am glad that the Lord has blessed me with such a wonderful spouse.

      Finally, thanks to my students who have allowed me to process this material on them!


      Sometimes a book just needs to go to print. Even before perfection arrives. I hope that you, the reader, will give me grace. For this book has indeed gone to print before perfection arrived. I know that I have omitted much. I know, also, that I have not been flawless in my communication of all that I am trying to convey. And for that I apologize.

      I have at times engaged with some of the popular eschatological positions. I know for some of you that these viewpoints are held onto in earnest. I understand, for I too once held such views. I hope that I have adequately represented the popularist viewpoint. I have represented it as I have known it. I realize that this may not completely represent it as you have known it.

      Please read with the grace that characterizes the body of Christ. I have done my best to write with such grace.

      My primary interest is not to present a critique of the popular eschatology. Instead, I have aimed at providing a positive framework for understanding Scripture eschatologically. I believe that the Gospel of Christ is simply so much richer and more comprehensive than many have ever imagined. And it is the greatness of the biblical story that I hope you see as you read.

      Rob Dalrymple

      February 2013

      Preface to the Second Edition

      We chose to produce a second edition for one simple reason. I believe even more deeply now than I did five years ago when I published the first edition of this book (under the title Understanding Eschatology: Why it Matters) that the perspective presented in this book is critical for Christians—both in terms of our understanding of the Bible and for the discernment of our call as Christians to take the gospel to the nations. This was and remains the central purpose of this book.

      I also wrote this book to provide an understanding of the New Testament and the end times that will help counter some of the popular misconceptions. It is my conviction that such misconceptions have had at least two significant effects: First, the popular conception that the end times are something wholly future and, for those who espouse a pre-tribulation rapture theology, something that Christians are somehow exempt from enduring has contributed to a widespread complacency among many Christians. Why bother really living as Christ has called us when, even if the tribulation were to come tomorrow, we will be taken out of the way? Secondly, the failure to understand the church’s mission in terms of carrying forward the kingdom of God, as inaugurated by Christ, has contributed to a failure on the part of the Church to remain focused on our mission.

      These two motivations for writing this book remain. In fact, I believe even more deeply than before that the material in this book is vital for the Church today. There was, however, one consistent bit of negative feedback on the first edition: because many did not know what “eschatology” (the study of the end times) meant, the title turned them off from the book.

      So Wipf and Stock and I decided to publish a second edition under a new title (Understanding the New Testament and the End Times: Why it Matters) that is more understandable and yet perhaps more accurately captures the essence of the book, which is to help readers understand the New Testament and the end times so that they might recognize the significance of the New Testament’s message for their lives.

      The text of the original edition is largely unchanged. The most consistent alteration has been to exchange “eschatology” in most of its occurrences for “end times.” Note that this is not always possible. There are some instances in which the word “eschatology” is just necessary. The reader, however, will find that in those few instances the meaning of “eschatology” (the study of the end times) should be fairly apparent.

      In Christ

      Rob Dalrymple

      Mar 2018


      My Story


      In 1989, I had come to conclude that the end times and the book of Revelation were a mystery that would only be solved when everything was over. If anyone proposed that they knew what it meant, they were not to be trusted, for no one knows what it means. Now, you must understand that prior to this time I had been fascinated with the end times and all of the hype that went along with it.

      After all, I was born in 666—honestly: June 1966. After coming to faith in Christ at a young age, I grew up in an evangelical, fundamentalist Christian tradition. I strived to live as a faithful Christian and, by God’s grace, my faith remained strong. Throughout my youth I read dozens of books on the end times and earnestly strove to determine the meaning of the book of Revelation and the end times according to the New Testament (NT). I even spent hours in the local library one day to determine the number of earthquakes and other such “signs” that had occurred in the last generation, with the conviction that this data would confirm that the return of Christ was indeed near.

      As a product of a well-intentioned, evangelical, fundamentalist upbringing, I was taught that the Bible was to be interpreted in a particular manner—with a wooden literalism—and in accord with a well-delineated evangelical worldview. I was convinced that this was the only true way to interpret the Bible. In fact, I was confident that Jesus, Paul, and for that matter Moses, David, and the rest, must also have thought and reasoned like me. Furthermore,