Daniel Modell

The Warrior's Manifesto

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      Ideals for Those Who Protect and Defend

      Daniel Modell

      YMAA Publication Center, Inc.

      Wolfeboro, NH USA

       YMAA Publication Center, Inc.

      PO Box 480

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      1-800-669-8892 • [email protected]www.ymaa.com

      ISBN: 9781594395987 (print) • ISBN: 9781594395994 (ebook)

      Copyright ©2018 by Daniel Modell

      All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

      Managing Editor T. G. LaFredo

      Cover design by Axie Breen

      This book typeset in Adobe Garamond Pro

      Typesetting by Westchester Publishing Services

       Publisher’s Cataloging in Publication

      Names: Modell, Daniel, author.

      Title: The warrior’s manifesto : ideals for those who protect and defend / Daniel Modell.

      Description: Wolfeboro, NH USA : YMAA Publication Center, Inc., [2018]

      Identifiers: ISBN: 9781594395987 (print) | 9781594395994 (ebook) | LCCN: 2017960338

      Subjects: LCSH: Police—Conduct of life. | Peace officers—Conduct of life. | Soldiers—Conduct of life. | Self-defense—Moral and ethical aspects. | Combat—Moral and ethical aspects. | Discipline—Moral and ethical aspects. | Violence—Moral and ethical aspects. | Martial arts—Moral and ethical aspects. | BISAC: SPORTS & RECREATION / Martial Arts & Self-Defense. | PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy. | SOCIAL SCIENCE / Violence in Society.

      Classification: LCC: HV7924 .M63 2018 | DDC: 174/.93632—dc23

      The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner whatsoever for any injury that may occur through following the instructions in this manual.

      The activities, physical or otherwise, described in this manual may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people, and the reader should consult a physician before engaging in them.

      Warning: While self-defense is legal, fighting is illegal. If you fail to observe the difference and knowingly engage in combat, you will go to jail because you are not defending yourself; you are fighting. Readers are encouraged to be aware of all appropriate local and national laws relating to self-defense, reasonable force, and the use of weaponry, and act in accordance with all applicable laws at all times. Understand that while legal definitions and interpretations are generally uniform, there are small—but very important—differences from state to state and even city to city. To stay out of jail, you need to know these differences. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of information contained in this book.

      Nothing in this document constitutes a legal opinion, nor should any of its contents be treated as such. While the author believes that everything herein is accurate, any questions regarding specific self-defense situations, legal liability, or interpretation of federal, state, or local laws should always be addressed to an attorney at law. These materials should be used for academic study only.



       The Spirit of the Warrior


      I. The What of the Warrior

      II. The Why of the Warrior

       III. The Way of the Warrior

       IV. The Best of the Warrior and the Bane of the Warrior: The Leader and the Bureaucrat



       Recommended Reading

       About the Author


      THUCYDIDES IS OFTEN credited with having written, “The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”

      This Athenian general and classical historian of the Peloponnesian War would have had no need for concern, nor need to caution, had he known Lieutenant Danny Modell and The Warrior’s Manifesto. Danny is that rare combination of scholar and warrior. With degrees in philosophy from two of the nation’s preeminent universities (a bachelor’s degree from New York University and a master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin) and twenty years of experience with the world’s preeminent police force, he is ultimately qualified to write a contemporary warriors’ manifesto.

      I have had the privilege and honor to work with and help train many selfless individuals who daily protect our nation, communities, property, and health. Having worked with a cross section of gallant guardians, including military command, Navy SEALs, firefighters, paramedics, and local, state, and federal police, it is clear to me that The Warrior’s Manifesto provides reflection and direction for any and all members of these elite groups who are committed to attaining the warrior ideal.

      However, as my professional experience has been predominantly with law enforcement, I want to emphasize the immense value of Danny’s work for police officers. This may be a unique time in the history of American law enforcement, and The Warrior’s Manifesto is the book for this time.

      Never has the police officer been more urgently needed but also scrutinized, criticized, and, at times, even reviled. Among the deserved compliments has been the application of the title “warrior” to those in law enforcement, and this has also been among the heated controversies surrounding the field.

      Those who criticize the use of the title in the context of policing seem to demonstrate an excessively myopic viewpoint and failure to recognize the purpose, discipline, and values of the warrior ethos. Unfortunately, the related public and political criticism often demoralizes and erodes the faith, confidence, and commitment of the individual officer.

      The Warrior’s Manifesto is a tour de force. It is truly a foundation for those who believe police officers can be warriors (and should aspire to be so). It should help relieve the contemporary confusion about what the warrior is and why the appellation does apply to the police officer.

      The Warrior’s Manifesto will do much to clarify and rectify the real issues. It is both an anchor and a rudder for the modern police officer and police command. The work is a synthesis of the traditions of warriorship and contemporary challenges.

      Danny is a wordsmith who writes with an engaging passion and challenging quality. You will not be able to lay this book aside until you have read it all and, until then, you will read with great anticipation of Danny’s next point and well-turned phrase. His knowledge of history is truly impressive, but even more so is his presentation of it, which reads not like a stuffy rendition of an irrelevant past but like on-point personal knowledge.

      This is a work that the veteran officer will find validating and the rookie will find inspiring. This work will confirm what the veteran officer knows and what the rookie needs to know. It is required reading for both. It cannot be read too soon, nor too often, by either.

      Michael J. Asken, PhD

      Police psychologist,