Troy Korsgaden

Power Position Your Agency

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      A Guide to Insurance Agency Success

      The Troy Korsgaden Formula for

      Insurance Management Professionals

      Troy Korsgaden

      Power Position Your Agency;

      A Guide to Insurance Agency Success

      The Troy Korsgaden Formula for Insurance

      Management Professionals

      Copyright © 2012 by Troy Korsgaden

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0816-3

      Editorial services for this book provided by

      Laura Belgrave, editorial consultant for publishing professionals

      Production by the Corsi agency

      Design and Graphics by Cecil Lopez

      All rights reserved.

      No part of this book may be used in whole or in part, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, without written permission from the author.

      For information or for bulk purchase, please contact:

      Troy Korsgaden Systems

      Central Park Professional Center

      1700 West Walnut Avenue, Suite A

      Visalia, CA 93277

      Phone: (800) 524-6390

      Fax: (559) 625-4990

      Email address:

       [email protected]



      Troy Korsgaden has a favorite expression. Whether he's in front of an audience or counseling one on one, he'll find the way to say, "Turn your wishes into committed goals."

      Troy has transferred his agency goals to paper. He has mapped out his strategies for making good on his commitments. Troy has established an optimistic and meaningful philosophy in his agency. The ability to motivate is one of his most outstanding talents.

      If there is any basis to the fact that we learn best from those who have already mastered the art, then ideas and information developed in Power Position. Your Agency; A Guide to Insurance Agency Succeed can serve as a steppingstone to success for you.

      The optimism Troy Korsgaden exudes and brings to everything he does permeates this book. You'll discover his proven strategies to be transferable and result producing.

      Good Reading and Successful Selling!

      Jack Kinder Jr. — Gary D. Kinder

      Well-known Authors and Consultants


      Greetings, welcome, and congratulations. "You're obviously in the market for success and I can tell you right now that it's doable. Whether your agency is in a slumber mode and you want to “wake it up” or whether you're just contemplating launching your own agency, success is within reach.

      You don't have to get there by throwing caution to the wind. You don't even have to take a big risk. What you do have to do is cast aside your fears and grab hold of the strategies in this book. They're simple. They're manageable. They work-and I should know. They've taken me from too few clients and too many sleepless nights to a more than comfortable living where I still have time to take my kids to Disneyland.

      Bottom line? Life is good. But, of course, that's not how it started out . . .

      I launched my agency in 1983. By the end of 1992, I had about 1,500 Policies in Force (PIF) to show for nine years' work. Even though I was working as hard or harder than ever before, I was struggling just to keep the status quo. Out of sheer frustration, I started developing systems that would make my agency and my time more productive. My systems weren't bad. In fact, they were good. But somehow, they proved to be problematic when I actually implemented them. Truthfully, I thought of bagging the whole lot of them, more than once. Instead, I began to noodle around with refinements, and two things started to happen.

      First, we began to grow. In just four years, we went from 1,500 PIF to more than 5,000 PIF. Now, we're at more than 6,550 PIF and as far as I'm concerned, we're still just getting started. Second, the fun of owning and operating my agency returned—and then some.

      People started inviting me to speak at seminars across the United States. Before long, I learned what it was like to wake up in one city and go to sleep in another—and I enjoyed it! I still do. Sharing my ideas with thousands of agents was satisfying on a level I never anticipated in the days when I was just starting out. But it wasn't long before I realized that I couldn't always make a lasting effect during a two-hour presentation. After every seminar, our office -would get bombarded by calls and visits from agents in search of a step-by-step procedure for implementing my systems in their agencies.

      To answer all their requests and still achieve my own agency goal, I needed to come up with something people could take away with them, something they could refer to again and again. That's when I decided to package my systems in an easy-to-understand book. It's what you're holding now. Don't look for voodoo fixes here. You won't find them. And don't look for "feel-good" advice that's more air than substance. You already know that won't work in our dynamic industry!

      What you can expect to find in these pages is my formula for success in down-to-earth, specific steps. In Part I, I'll show you how to lay the foundation for rapid and sustained growth. In Part II, I'll detail the strategies you can use to support and extend your success.

      And by the way, the size of your agency isn't a factor. Large and small agencies alike can benefit from using the systems in this book. In fact, the only thing you have to do to make the systems -work on any level is commit to take action and make changes. I did it, and believe me, I'm no rocket scientist. You can, too.

      So go for it! May you achieve the success you pursue!

      Troy Korsgaden

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