Steve Parkhill

Answer Cancer

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      Answer Cancer

      Miraculous Healings Explained


      Steve Parkhill

      Copyright 2011 Steve Parkhill,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0088-4

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      This book is dedicated to my mom, who I thank for planting the seeds that still guide me today; and my wife, Lynda. I love you both soooooooo much! You turned what could have been the pains of labor into a peaceful and enjoyable passage. May our daily prayers continue to be filled with thanks and joy.

      To Jerry-you are a great educator. Others teach this stuff and I have studied their work, but I always felt that they wanted me to know how great they were. You were always most interested in showing your students how great they could be. I hope this says to the world what it means to me. You are a master of technique and a gifted teacher. If people read this book and want to serve others in any great way, I would hope they find you and become your student. Thanks buddy.

      To God.... Not you, Jerry! (Grin) To the God of all Good. You have guided me and thanked me and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that coincidence is Your tricky little way of remaining anonymous. Whatever I have done to fall into Your graces, I hope to continue. Please continue to do Your work through me as You help me to grow.


      I could never list them all, but I would never miss this one. Gerald F. Kein is the Director of the Omni Hypnosis Training Center in Deland, Florida.

      The mind model presented in this book comes straight out of jerry’s teachings. In fact, all the wonderful things that have happened for my clients come as a direct result of jerry’s teachings. My time with Jerry will always stand as my greatest turning point in life.

      Through his teachings of advanced regression and abreaction therapies, I was able to develop the powerful techniques that have worked so well for my clients over the years.

      I would also like to acknowledge my clients and radio show listeners who inspired me to put my insights into writing. Thank you for that inspiration. I have learned greatly from each and every one of you. I wish you all continued peace.


      My mother loves me more than anything and always has. She spent my early years chasing me out the door before my dad returned home. While she remained there, absorbing his wrath, I cruised the streets with free rein. From those experiences one could easily understand had I turned out to be one of society’s undesirables. But I didn’t. Many who knew the situation have wondered why. I have often asked myself why I enjoy wearing the white hat when it comes to pursuing causes and earning a living. My mom tried her best to teach me values but quite frankly didn’t get much time for that pursuit. I left home at an early age, often calling her as I knocked around the country. I didn’t have much of a grip on the rudder, but the throttle sure kept me occupied. I know it weighed heavily on her, but she never spouted judgment, just support.

      When I was about 24, I had been sending my mother speculative but very positive news during a sequence of contacts between us. One morning I called her from California with what I thought was great news that she would enjoy. I told her a friend had given me a cassette tape about six months prior. Laughing as I talked, I explained that at first I didn’t listen to it and tried to throw it out several times, but the tape seemed to keep hanging around and popping up. I said that I finally listened to it and hadn’t been able to stop listening to it ever since. The man’s voice on the tape seemed to send me into some dreamy state of bliss. I told her I had bought the whole series of tapes and wanted her to listen to them. My mother’s a born-again Christian and very leery of “false prophets.” She asked me for the name of the person who did the tapes. I told her Earl Nightingale. She instantly started crying intensely. I asked her if he had a bad message. She replied, “Enjoy your tapes, Stephen. He has a very good message.”

      I had no idea what was happening ... do you?

      What you are about to read holds the answers. See if you can ease the mystery before I finish the story at the end of the book. And while you are looking, what does it have to do with health?


      This book will give you more than you might think. You will learn the specific cause of nearly all diseases. You will learn the specific cause of health. You will be given the answer to cancer--both types--social and those contracted by the individual.

      This is a book for achievers as well as those who are feeling less than healthy. You will finish this book with a clear picture of how your mind and body connect. You will be able to look at yourself and all the other people you know and figure out things that have puzzled you for years.

      Some authorities will try to discount what is given here. To anyone who tries, I will repeatedly say this: Let us line up 200 chronically ill people. You take 100 and so will I. We will both implement our best techniques, and when the smoke clears and we have each taken our people as far as we can in the direction of health, the resulting score will let everyone know what works and what doesn’t.

      Whether it is healing the sick or tuning the goal-oriented, I could make the same challenge by applying what I offer in this book to a team of athletes or a classroom of students. The results I get will wake up a lot of skeptics. Please hear this clearly-I’m not looking for challenges. I am only making the point that we must start promoting what works, not what strokes the coat of institutions such as the high-tech medical sciences and mainstream education. I am also very proud that this book discusses the sociological cancer that is spreading these days. A certain segment of our society has been fooling you with insincere pleasantries. If you think our country is out of control, wait until you see what I uncover as the source of the modern-day terror we all now face in our streets.

      Are you ready? Let’s get started!


      Cause and effect is the most basic universal law. It is also the most commonly ignored and challenged.

      There is only one set of laws. They are the universe’s laws. They have nothing to do with any of the ones that man creates, and overlaps between the two are entirely too rare. Cause and effect is the most basic universal law. It is also the most commonly ignored and challenged. Ignoring what this law says and how it relates to human well-being costs this nation trillions of dollars. It is also why health care is out of control.

      There are sizable numbers of healers in this nation who employ techniques that work in harmony with these ultimate laws. They are producing miraculous results with delightful frequency and repeatability. The cost of employing these techniques is fractional compared to the cost of existing techniques. Some of these healers are “born of the stuff” and wouldn’t know how to teach what they do to others. Others are quite able to teach these skills, as well as clearly communicate the working model they employ when getting their astounding results. We are going to look into one such model. That model will tell us some incredible things about electronic media and its effect on the health of our masses, wellness, disease, modern medicine, government, education, national productivity, world peace and religion. Most important, it will give you or anyone you know a sensible road map for healing and growth.

      2: WHO ARE THE