Navigating the Fourth Dimension
A Discourse from the Ascended Masters
St. Germain & El Morya Khan
Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D.
Copyright 2011 Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by Expansion Publishing
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ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0205-5
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, including photo-copying, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
There are some mysteries that I’m not telling you.
There’s so much doubt everywhere, so many opinions
that say, "What you announce may be true
in the future, but not now."
But this form of universal truth that I see says,
This is not a prediction.
This is here, in this instant, cash in hand!
[From "Green Ears," The Essential Rumi, p.239 (translated by Coleman Banks, with John Moyne), Edison, NJ: Castle Books, 1997.]
Dear Reader,
The fact that you are interested in this book means that you are curious about the fourth dimension. We must admit that, less than six months before we began working on this new book, we had no idea what the fourth dimension was, or what it would mean to us personally. Years ago, we had read books that mentioned this concept, and some of our friends talked about it quite enthusiastically. However, we did not pay much attention at all to this concept. We were primarily focused on the information and coaching we were receiving from the Ascended Masters in our daily channeling sessions, and the Masters weren’t talking about it -- or so it seemed.
However, at the beginning of last summer, we began receiving more explicit information about the fourth dimension. It was then that we finally realized that the Masters had been guiding us all along toward an understanding of this new reality.
During the summer, we took an extended car trip out west. For about three weeks we were relatively isolated from family, friends and the daily responsibilities of life. Without the normal concerns of earning our keep and caring for our home, pets, family, friends and clients, we were able to move into a place of harmony and balance. We experienced a steady connection with an uninterrupted flow of Light, which was providing us with a sustained experience of the essence of the fourth dimension. Indeed, we were riding on a stream that carried us easily through life with little stress, worry or disharmony.
At the time, it all seemed very easy to embrace. Upon return home, however, we had to contend once again with the challenges of life as we had known it. Soon we would lose the rhythm and easy connection to our Light. This felt even more uncomfortable after the relative ease that we had been enjoying so recently. The only answer, then, was to open to the guidance that could show us how to get back to the fourth dimension, so that this frequency of loving Light would carry us once again.
And so we wrote this book for our own sakes -- although we gladly share it with you. We have tested its precepts repeatedly and have found that they have carried us to a new place and a new way of being. We can say that it is possible to live in this world now and enjoy the beauty of the loving Light of the fourth dimension.
You might think this is a selfish way to be, considering how difficult life is for so many. Yet, we are not indifferent or oblivious in the face of suffering. In fact, in our work as healers and counselors, we witness profound suffering every day. We have realized, however, that by attaching ourselves to the suffering, we help no one. Only by healing the suffering that we find within ourselves in response to the suffering we observe around us can we maintain a healing frequency. This then creates an opening for higher-vibrational energy to pour into this plane and transform our universe. That is what we have chosen to do.
We wish our readers to understand that we do not claim at this time to have fully mastered the lessons that are contained in this publication. Our own growth into a fourth-dimensional way of being has been uneven -- and unique for each of us. When we allow our ego-minds to regain dominance, states of pain and confusion temporarily return, providing further lessons in humility and compassion. Only when we realign ourselves with our Light are we able to regain the peace and harmony that we have come to treasure. Surrendering to one’s Light is worth the “effort”!
As you open yourself to the blessings of the fourth dimension, we encourage you, above all, to be compassionate with yourself. Let the Light love you unconditionally. It is there already. It just asks for your willing acceptance of its healing and transforming energy.
Thank you for allowing us to share with you.
Love and Light,
Linda & Martin
About the Authors
We have found that it is often easier to relate to new information if you have at least a vague idea of the person or source it is coming from. So, before we get to the main topic of this book, let us take a minute to introduce ourselves.
The Ascended Masters are a group of Beings of Light who have gained complete awareness of their Totality. They once walked this Earth in human bodies and are now serving humanity and all of creation from the higher planes of existence, offering their Light, love and wisdom freely to all, at this auspicious time of accelerating change. The Ascended Masters St. Germain and El Morya Khan are the sources of inspiration behind this publication and its true authors.
Linda Stein-Luthke is the one who brought the following text to paper. Among the gifts she has chosen is the ability to “channel” wisdom from sources other than her human consciousness. Channeling is a process during which we open ourselves to higher vibrational frequencies of Light. The frequencies we access can be from our own being or from other beings of Light working in conjunction with us. For many years, Linda has been channeling highly evolved spiritual beings of Light, most frequently the Ascended Masters El Morya Khan and St. Germain, as well as the Light of the Christos, the Archangels, and the Ma (a.k.a. Divine Mother) energy.
Linda has been a practitioner and teacher of astrology for over thirty years. In addition, she works as a metaphysical teacher, healer and medical intuitive, using the various skills she has learned during her many years “on the path” and learning new ones every step of the way. She has been a birth mother, adoptive mother, and foster mother, as well as a successful business woman, activist and philanthropist in the women's community, and, first and foremost, a seeker throughout her life. She has traveled widely and has collaborated with masters from various parts of the world. Her training has been within the Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, Christian, and Jewish faiths. Linda has been a presenter at national and international conferences, as well as a leader of workshops and trainings.
Linda channeled several other books by St. Germain (see appendix).
Dr. Martin Luthke is a clinical psychologist with in-depth training in traditional psychology and psychotherapy. His current practice, however, has shifted entirely to an energy-based paradigm. Together with his wife Linda, he has developed an advanced energy-psychological approach called Psychoenergetic Healing. Martin is the founder and director