Richard Lipman M.D.

New Pounds and Inches

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      “New” Pounds and Inches: The HCG Diet Completely Updated

      oImproving the safety and effectiveness of the Simeons HCG Protocol

      oAmazing weight loss with this simplified HCG Plan

      oHundreds of new foods and recipes to jump start your metabolism

      Richard L. Lipman M.D


      HCG Disclaimer: HCG is a drug which has not been approved by the Food and Drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that HCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets.

      The reading of this book does not establish a doctor-patient relationship with the reader and Dr. Lipman. As discussed numerous times in this book, a successful obesity treatment requires a personal relationship with an understanding physician.

      The information in this book is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice. The author and the publisher specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk, personal or Otherwise that might be incurred, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book. All matters regarding your health require medical consultation and supervision of a physician.

      The names and identifying characteristics of the individuals referred to in anecdotes in this book have been changed to protect the identities of the individuals.

      Copyright 2011 Richard Lipman M.D., All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0290-1

      No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of phonographic recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without prior written permission of the publisher.


      The HCG Diet was invented by Dr. A.T. Simeons in 1954. For those not acquainted with the diet, it is a very low calorie, no fat, no sugar weight loss plan accompanied by the hormone human chorionic gonadotropins or HCG. HCG is made only by the placenta in pregnant women. It produces the positive pregnancy test and is thought to mobilize fat from pregnant women to supply nutrients for the fetus. Dr Simeons described the diet in 1954 in his self published booklet, Pounds and Inches which he called the “HCG protocol.” Dr. Simeons’ plan consisted of three phases: Phase 1 was a limited period of overeating or bingeing usually for two days, Phase 2 was the 500 calorie, almost no fat and no sugar diet that was given with HCG by injection for 21 to 41 days and Phase 3 was a recovery or stabilization period of three weeks.

      The HCG diet has remained popular but controversial. Some medical studies find it to be effective and an equal number reveal no additional weight loss with the HCG Diet beyond that achieved by the caloric reduction. All have found it extremely safe. The FDA’s position is given in the disclaimer.

      This book hopes to clarify all of the controversies of Dr Simeons’ original Pound and Inches protocol as it updates the HCG diet to the 21st century. It is based on my personal experience treating overweight patients with HCG and the most recent medical studies.


      Do you have a friend or family member, who can eat a pint or more of Haagen-Dazs without gaining a pound while you gain weight after eating a spoonful or two? Why do some people seem to eat what they like and remain thin, while others limit their food, often drastically, yet struggle to shed their bulk? It’s all about metabolism, using food more efficiently and burning fat. Some people just burn fat faster and have a higher metabolism than others. Those are the very few lucky ones. For most of us, including myself, it’s a daily struggle.

      During the course of the last 25 years, as an M.D. endocrinologist and weight loss specialist, I’ve treated more than 20,000 individuals with weight and metabolic problems. I have researched, and prescribed countless diet plans, specialty foods, exercise programs and even surgery, only to find some of my patients were very successful while others were not. I have seen people put themselves through countless diets, schemes and programs to try to lose the extra weight. Whether its calorie counting, low carbs, high protein, low fat, portion control or special exercises, the lists of schemes, programs, supplements and regimens are endless.

      Six years ago, I began to recognize the failure of these food schemes, the increasing complexity of daily life, the inability to understand and remember complicated diet plans, the hardship of preparing special food recipes, or counting or measuring one food group or another. I began to understand that overweight individuals needed a much simpler way to approach their weight loss. They needed a simple way to speed up their metabolism and then make a few permanent changes for life long weight control.

      I decided to review all of the patients I have treated that lost weight and kept it off to see if there were some common techniques that they used. When I tabulated the characteristics of my 1100 successful weight losers --their age, starting weight, weight loss and duration of their weight loss, there was no correlation with the type of foods they ate. (Except for the fact than almost none drank drinks with sugar or ate high sugar foods or ate regularly from fast food restaurants, nor was there much correlation with exercise). Some people counted calories, some watched their carbs others their fat. What they did do was to pay attention to their metabolism using secrets that often I had never heard about.

      As I began to look at ways to increase metabolism, I looked back to 1954 and the hormone-HCG (HCG is the abbreviation for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) a naturally occurring hormone) produced by the placenta when a woman becomes pregnant and found in huge quantities in the pregnant women’s urine. In fact, it’s the hormone causing the positive pregnancy test

      Although the HCG diet has been receiving a great deal of attention lately, it actually is not a new concept. In fact, using HCG for weight loss was first reported by British physician, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in 1954. Dr. Simeons’ original work was in India with overweight boys with Froehlich Syndrome. These boys were obese with underdeveloped testes and penises. When given HCG for treatment of their underdeveloped sexual organs they lost their appetite and the fat around the belly and hips. He further noted in India, that pregnant women living in often semi-starvation conditions often delivered healthy, full term infants. He surmised that HCG might increase metabolism and fat burning—exactly what I was looking for.

      I followed Dr. Simeons’ research to Rome, Italy in the early 1950’s. Dr. Simeons reported that small doses of HCG given to overweight individuals (men and women) decreased their appetite, and made them lose inches specifically around their hips, thighs, buttocks and stomachs and reset their hypothalamus (the area in the brain responsible for metabolism and appetite). He self published his findings in a booklet, Pounds and Inches. This monograph is free to download at or can be viewed on my website, Dr. Simeons noted that when HCG was used in conjunction with a very low calorie diet there appeared to be none of the hunger, craving, fatigue and weakness usually associated with a very low calorie diet. Dr. Simeons commented on the lack of appetite, irritability and headaches while taking HCG. Dr. Simeons began to treat very wealthy patients, member of the Royal families of Europe and Hollywood stars in his hospital in Rome. He treated his patients both as inpatients and outpatients in his hospital with a specially prepared diet and daily injections of HCG. (In later chapters you will see how important it is to note who were Dr. Simons' patients and how they were treated). Dr. Simeons reported in Pounds and Inches that everyone lost 1 lb. per day on his protocol independent of their starting weight,