James Ph.D. Edwards

Hitler: Stalin's Stooge

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      Hitler: Stalin's Stooge



      James Edwards

      Copyright 2011 James Edwards,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0298-7

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      Massed BT-7s parade through Moscow’s Red Square on May Day 1940 (top) and May Day 1941 (bottom). Courtesy: The Tank Museum, Bovington, Dorset, U.K.


      Table 1. Estimated Gulag Camp Population,1922-1970

      Table 2. Estimated Gulag Camp Population, 1922-1988

      Table 3. Soviet Gulag Statistical Data, 1922-1988

      Table 4. Soviet Gulag Statistical Data, 1932-1939

      Table 5. Formulas used in calculations

      Figure 1. Soviet Gulag Camp Populations, 1922-1970

      Figure 2. Soviet Gulag Populations, 1922-1988

      Figure 3. Camp Statistics, 1932-1939

      Figure 4. Sensitivity of Total Deaths to Rate Errors


      I want to thank the following people for helping me put the book together. The Gulag charts and tables originally were developed by Rollin W. Gillespie. Rollin W. Gillespie is one of the world’s leading pioneer space scientists. Among his many accomplishments were the early design of a comprehensive space transportation system and the development of the basic trajectory equations used in interplanetary flight.

      Lewey Gilstrap prepared the spreadsheet program used to calculate the numbers of arrests, deaths and releases from the prison camps. Lewey Gilstrap was one of the pioneers in the field of artificial intelligence. In 1961, he co-founded Adraptronics, Inc. Adaptronics was exclusively devoted to the application of adaptive signal processing, adaptive and self-organizing control, artificial neural networks, and other artificial intelligence techniques to problems in aerospace, manufacturing, medical diagnostics, and defense. For the past 10 years, he has been a member of the Johns Hopkins University Practitioner Faculty in Information Technology, teaching courses in artificial intelligence and information technology to masters degree students in Business Administration and Information Technology.

      Roy E.(Ed) Heasley, Curator of Collections at the U. S. Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground was of immense help in getting pictures German and Russian tanks.

      David Fletcher, The Tank Museum, Bennington, Dorset, UK


      Hitler was the stooge Stalin used to start World War II. World War II was to be Stalin's instrument of conquest. Stalin planned a World War I redux that would leave an exhausted and helpless Europe ripe for Cornmunist takeover. The Treaty of Versailles had forbidden Germany to have a strong army or any offensive weapons, such as military aircraft, tanks, heavy artillery , and submarines. Versailles had created starvation as well as economic, social, and political chaos in Germany and filled the people with a terrible thirst for revenge. Stalin saw a vengeful Germany as the perfect catalyst to trigger a new war. In great secrecy during the 1920s, Stalin gave the future Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe all the facilities and equipment they needed in the Soviet Union to rebuild their military machine. Stalin saw Hitler and the Nazis's vengeance crusade as the perfect instrument to achieve his ends.

      In the 1920s and 1930s, Stalin pursued a long-range plan of conquest:

      1.To build the most powerful political party and control apparatus in the world – the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the political police – the NKVD.

      2.To build the most powerful industrial machine in the world – a giant arsenal.

      3.To build the most powerful military machine in the world – the Red Army and the Red Air Force.

      4.To bring Hitler and the Nazis to power and use them to start World War II.

      5.To crush an exhausted Europe, at the opportune moment in the war, with the mighty Red Army and Red Air Force.

      6.To occupy and control Europe with the CPSU/NKVD apparatus.

      In the 1930s, Stalin created the mightiest military machine in the world. Giant tank and aircraft factories were built all over the Soviet Union. Millions were inducted in the Red Army; tens of millions were trained in the para-military Osoaviakhim. Millions were recruited into the NKVD. During the Great Terror (1934-1938) millions of people were executed or shipped off to the slave labor camps in the vast Siberian Gulag. Stalin murdered tens of millions of people putting this giant apparatus into operation. In 1941, this gigantic machine was poised waiting to seize Europe.

      The first section of the book describes:

      1.Lenin's and Sta1in's attempts to capture Germany in the 1920s.

      2.Stalin's consolidation of power in the Great Purges of the 1930s.

      3.Stalin's role in maneuvering Hitler into starting World War II.

      4.Stalin' s strategies to seize Europe at the optimum point in the war,

      5.Russian and German military equipment and tactics.

      If as he planned, Stalin had attacked before Hitler did in 1940 or 1941, he would have almost certainly beaten Germany and conquered Western Europe. What Stalin did to the Russian people in the 1930s, he would have done to the Europeans in the 1940s. He would have imposed on Europe another "Great Terror" such as the one he had just imposed on his own people. Since the Europeans, unlike the Russians, were not accustomed to centuries of control and repression, the terror would have been, by necessity. far more severe.

      The second section of the book tries to show what would have happened to the people of Europe in the 1940s and beyond had Stalin been able to impose his monstrous system on them. It tries to explain the fundamental nature of the system Lenin and Stalin created and to describe the incredible slaughter and suffering it caused. Attention is focused on the vast Gulag and the tens of millions of innocent people who perished in this frozen hell.

      At Solovki, one of the earliest Gulag camps, there was a huge sign that captured the essence of the Communist system: “WITH AN IRON FIST, WE WILL LEAD HUMANITY TO HAPPINESS”. Nobody knows how many people the CPSU murdered between 1917 and 1991. As you will see in the charts and tables, our calculations (originally done in 1970) indicated that the Bolshevik regime killed approximately 130,000,000 people during this period. Our calculations were confirmed by one of the world's leading authorities on the Bolshevik slaughter, Roman Krutsyk, Chairman of Kiev Memorial, who said: “You're absolutely right-- the figure is about 130 000 000.” (E-mail “UCCA”[email protected] dated 4 April 2005) Mr. Krutsyk estimates that “50 million ethnic Ukrainians within the borders of the Soviet Union” were killed by the Bolsheviks in this 1917-1991 period.

      To lend perspective to these numbers, consider the fact