there is clearly an issue. Anyways, even if you have made a New Year resolution, have you ever fully kept them? I know that most of my friends, and even I, have made New Year resolutions that we couldn’t keep. Why can’t we keep them? That’s probably the same reason was to why you can’t keep yours.
For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m talking about a lack of motivation. Obviously, if you lack motivation to do something then you will have a hard time accomplishing whatever task you lay out for yourself. What’s worse is that you’ll eventually grow tired and give up because you’ll see that it’s no longer worth it to continue. It’s not a very good ideology to keep up but it’s very common. This is probably because you’re setting a difficult goal for yourself. Not that I wouldn’t want you to challenge yourself, but you should make one that you can keep.
The same applies for any goal that you chose to set for yourself during anytime of the year. Even if it might not be a New Year resolution, it’s still a resolution. Once you’ve set yourself a goal, it’s always best to reach it before giving up.
A good idea to keep in mind is that if you want to change certain behaviors, you need to substitute a new pattern of behaviors into your system. You’ve probably heard of the saying, “old habits die hard”.
Well, make a new habit so you can quickly kill the old one. Yes, that sounds brutal. No, it will not kill you.
Taking a Step
The best way to continue something is to start it because, obviously, if you don’t start then you can’t continue. It’s as simple as that. We also know that starting something is a lot easier than continuing something, especially if it’s long term. I know that having to continue something is a difficult thing to do.
There have been times where I had given up some of my goals because it took a long time for me to accomplish them. I’m pretty sure majority of the human population has had the same experience. The key is to stop doing that.
The tricky part with success is that you have to believe that you will succeed. Believe that you can succeed is out of the picture. Scratch it, rip it, or burn that thought out from your head.
When taking the first step into your goal, you have to understand that you will fail if you think that you will fail. It’s like climbing a tree.
If you keep thinking that you can’t do it because it’s too high then you won’t be able to because you’ll give up after your first fall. However, if you keep thinking that you can, you’ll be able to climb up because you worked hard to reach your goal. Sure, you may end up with some bruises here and there but that’s what trial and error is. You hurt yourself so your body knows for sure that you won’t be repeating what you just did to get that bruise. But seriously though, don’t do that.
Basically what I’m trying to say is that if you start a goal thinking that you’re going to fail then you are going to fail before you’ve even started. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already started you’re going to fail anyways if you keep thinking like that.
Sometimes, it’s good to walk into something not being too optimistic about it but that doesn’t mean that you should walk in with a pessimist’s point of view. Believing that you will fail is entirely different than actually failing in the long run.
Willpower is the reason why you are able to still continue with your goal despite the hardships that you face in the long run. If you don’t have the willpower, you don’t have the drive to keep going. If you don’t have the drive to keep going then you’re ultimately going to fail.
Saying and doing are completely different. It’s like the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” You can say that you want to do something all you want but if you’re never going to set yourself up to do it then it’s futile.
It’s never good to have to force out the willpower to do something. If you feel that you’re completely forcing yourself to do something, I suggest you stop doing it. Pushing and forcing requires a different amount of effort.
If you have to force yourself to do something then it’s best to do something new or figure out a way to make it fun for you to do. Willpower can only last for so long when it’s taking all your efforts just to keep yourself going.
Yoga Myths
Yes, there are yoga myths. That is to be expected since yoga has been around for a very long time. Not to mention that yoga is often portrayed through a professional rather than a complete beginner.
Keep in mind that there are probably more myths than the ones that I’ve listed, but these are just the selected few. Though, I doubt there are a lot of yoga myths out there to begin with.
It’s true that most yoga poses does require flexibility. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to be flexible when you start out as a beginner. The point of yoga is that it improves your flexibility. Meaning that if you’re not flexible then you will be once you’re a regular.
I know that some yoga poses seems like you would have to be really flexible to do, but it’s possible even without much flexibility. The point is that you will practice. By performing simple poses when you’re starting out will help improve your flexibility for harder poses in the long run. With yoga it’s all about patience.
Girls only:
No. Yoga is not limited to only females. It’s open to all genders. It is true that majority of women do yoga as a form of exercise but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any men either. I personally haven’t seen many men do yoga, but I have seen a few. However, I am not encouraging the fact that yoga is only for women. It’s probably because of this myth that most men would rather stick to their traditional weight lifting and paced jogging.
For all the ladies out there, if there is a guy that you have been bugging to get off his feet and do something productive, now is a perfect opportunity to grab him and take him to a yoga class. If he doesn’t want to go then tell him to put on some comfortable clothes and take you “out” for a walk or something. Then you can drag him to class with you. It doesn’t matter which method you choose as long as you’ve succeeded in dragging him with you.
You don’t have to be religious to do yoga. Though it is true that yoga is linked to Buddhism and Hinduism, yoga has no relations to an actual religion. If you’re doing yoga, you’re not required to take up any religion nor are you required to be religious. You may adopt a religion in the process if you want, but there will be nothing held against you if you don’t. Honestly, you can be an atheist and do yoga.
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