John Wycliffe

Wycliffe's Bible

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which said to them, This it is that the Lord spake, The rest of the sabbath is hallowed to the Lord; do ye whatever thing (that) shall be wrought tomorrow, and seethe ye those things that shall be sodden; soothly whatever thing is residue, or left over, keep ye it till into the morrow. (and he said to them, This is what the Lord hath said, Tomorrow is the rest of the sabbath, that is holy, or is dedicated, to the Lord; so do ye today whatever needeth to be done, and boil ye those things that need to be boiled; and whatever is left over, keep ye it for tomorrow.)

      16:24 And they did so as Moses commanded (And so they did as Moses commanded), and it was not rotten, neither a worm was found therein.

      16:25 And Moses said, Eat ye that in this day, for it is the sabbath of the Lord, it shall not be found today in the field; (And Moses said, Eat ye it today, for this is the sabbath of the Lord, and no food shall be found in the field today;)

      16:26 gather ye it in six days, forsooth the sabbath of the Lord is in the seventh day, therefore in that day it shall not be found. (gather ye it for six days, but the sabbath of the Lord is on the seventh day, and so on that day it shall not be found.)

      16:27 The seventh day came, and some of the people went out to gather, and they found not. (But the seventh day came, and some people went out to gather food, but they found it not.)

      16:28 Forsooth the Lord said to Moses, How long will ye not keep my commandments, and my law?

      16:29 See ye that the Lord gave to you the sabbath, and for that he hath given to you in the sixth day double meats; each man dwell at himself, no man go out of his place in the seventh day. (See ye that the Lord hath given you the sabbath, and for that he hath given you double the food on the sixth day; so everyone should stay at home, and no one should go out of their place on the seventh day.)

      16:30 And the people kept sabbath in the seventh day. (And so the people kept the sabbath on the seventh day.)

      16:31 And the house of Israel called the name thereof man(na), which was white, as the seed of coriander, and the taste thereof was as of flour (mixed) with honey.

      16:32 Forsooth Moses said, This is the word which the Lord commanded, Fill thou an omer thereof, and be it kept into generations to coming afterward (and let it be kept for the generations to come later), (so) that they know (of) the bread with which I fed you in (the) wilderness, when ye were led out of the land of Egypt.

      16:33 And Moses said to Aaron, Take thou a vessel, and put therein man(na), as much as an omer may take, and put it before the Lord, to be kept into your generations, (And Moses said to Aaron, Take thou a vessel, and put manna in it, an omer of it, and put it before the Lord, to be kept for all generations to come;)

      16:34 as the Lord commanded to Moses; and Aaron put that to be kept in the tabernacle. (so as the Lord commanded to Moses, Aaron put the vessel of manna in the Ark with the stone tablets, to be kept there forever.)

      16:35 Forsooth the sons of Israel ate manna forty years, till they came into the land habitable, that is, able to be inhabited; they were fed with this meat, till they touched the coasts of the land of Canaan. (And the Israelites ate manna for forty years, until they came to the land where they could live; yea, they were fed with this food, until they reached the land of Canaan.)

      16:36 Forsooth (an) omer is the tenth part of (an) ephah.

      CHAPTER 17

      17:1 Therefore all the multitude of the sons of Israel went forth from the desert of Sin, by their dwellings, by the word of the Lord, and setted tents in Rephidim, where was no water to the people to drink. (And so all the Israelites went forth from the wilderness of Sin, in stages, by the word of the Lord, and pitched their tents in Rephidim, where there was no water for the people to drink.)

      17:2 Which people chided against Moses, and said, Give water to us, that we drink. To whom Moses answered, What chide ye against me, and why tempt ye the Lord? (And the people complained to Moses, and said, Give us some water to drink. To whom Moses answered, Why do ye complain to me, and why do ye tempt the Lord?)

      17:3 Therefore the people thirsted there for the scarceness of water, and they grouched against Moses, and said, Why madest thou us to go out of Egypt, (for) to slay us, and our free children, and our beasts, for thirst? (And so the people thirsted there for the scarceness of water, and they grumbled against Moses, and said, Why hast thou made us to go out of Egypt, in order to kill us, and our children, and our beasts, with thirst?)

      17:4 Forsooth Moses cried to the Lord, and said, What shall I do to this people? yet a little, and it shall stone me (What shall I do with these people? very soon they shall all stone me!).

      17:5 The Lord said to Moses, Go thou before the people, and take with thee of the elder men of Israel, and take in thine hand the rod, with the which thou hast smitten the flood, and go; (The Lord said to Moses, Go thou before the people, and take some of the elders of Israel with thee, and take in thy hand the staff with which thou struck the River, and go;)

      17:6 lo! I shall stand there before thee, above the stone of Horeb, and thou shalt smite the stone, and water shall go out thereof, that the people drink. Moses did so before the elder men of Israel; (lo! I shall stand there before thee, by the rock at Mount Sinai, and thou shalt strike the rock, and water shall come out of it, and then the people shall have something to drink. Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel;)

      17:7 and he called the name of that place Temptation, for the chiding of the sons of Israel, and for they tempted the Lord, and said, Whether the Lord is in us, or nay? (and he called the name of that place Massah and Meribah, because of the complaining of the Israelites, and because they tempted the Lord and said, Is the Lord with us, or not?)

      17:8 Forsooth Amalek came (And the Amalekites came), and fought against Israel in Rephidim.

      17:9 And Moses said to Joshua, Choose thou men, and go out, and fight tomorrow against the men of Amalek; lo! I shall stand in the top of the hill, and I shall have the rod of God in mine hand. (And Moses said to Joshua, Choose thou some men, and tomorrow go out, and fight against the Amalekites; lo! I shall stand on the hill-top, and I shall have God's staff in my hand.)

      17:10 Joshua did as Moses spake, and he fought against Amalek. Forsooth Moses, and Aaron, and Hur went up on(to) the top of the hill;

      17:11 and when Moses raised [up] his hands, Israel overcame; forsooth if he let them down a little, Amalek overcame.

      17:12 Soothly Moses' hands were (made) heavy, therefore they took a stone, and put (it) under him, on which stone he sat. Forsooth Aaron and Hur sustained his hands, on ever either side; and (so) it was done, that his hands were not made weary, till to the going down of the sun.

      17:13 And Joshua drove away Amalek and his people, in the mouth of [the] sword, that is, by the sharpness of the sword, Joshua killed the strong men of Amalek.

      17:14 Forsooth the Lord said to Moses, Write thou this in a book, for mind, and take (it) in(to) the ears of Joshua; for I shall do away the mind of Amalek from under heaven. (And the Lord said to Moses, Write thou about this in a book to remember it, and tell it to Joshua; for I shall do away all memory of the Amalekites from under heaven.)

      17:15 And Moses builded an altar, and called the name thereof, The Lord is mine enhancer, (And Moses built an altar there, and called it Jehovahnissi,)

      17:16 and he said, For (it is) the hand of the Lord alone, and the battle of God shall be against Amalek (and God shall fight against the Amalekites), from generation into generation.

      CHAPTER 18

      18:1 And when Jethro, the priest of Midian, the ally, either (the) father of the wife of Moses, had heard all things which God had done to Moses, and to Israel his people, for the Lord had led Israel out of the land of Egypt, (And when Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, had heard of all the things which God had done for Moses, and for his people Israel, yea, that the Lord had led Israel out of the land of Egypt,)

      18:2 Jethro took Zipporah, Moses'