Work Smarter: Live Better
Published 2014 by Peupion Pty Ltd atf Peupion Family Trust
1 Sheaffe Place, Davidson NSW 2085, Australia
First published in 2010
© 2014 Peupion Pty Ltd
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication data
Author | Peupion, Cyril. |
Title | Work Smarter: Live Better / Cyril Peupion. |
ISBN | 9780646544502 (pbk.) |
Subjects | Personal Productivity.Efficiency and Effectiveness.Time Management.Quality of work life.Work-life balance. |
Dewey Number | 306.361 |
ISBN: 9781742980492 (Epub)
Digital distribution: Ebook Alchemy
Digital Conversion by Winking Billy
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Editor | Jo McKee | www.editonline.com.au |
Design | Graham Rendoth | www.renodesign.com.au/au |
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To my love, support and confidante, TK, my wonderful wife without whom life would not be as rich and spontaneous.
To my three amazing kids: Fleur, Cameron and Mirabelle, who make me want to live each day with them as fully as if it were the last, and make my life with them last forever.
‘I remember the first time I put an appointment in my diary to drop my daughter at school. It felt rather strange, as though I wasn’t making most use of my time. I soon realised it’s quite the opposite. I’m now managing my time to make sure I do the things that matter.’
Stuart Hall
General Manager, Retail Centre of Excellence
St George Bank
‘The search for optimum efficiency became one big step closer thanks to Cyril’s very real, concrete but also progressive recommendations and lessons. Four years after I took the course, those lessons have become an integral part of not only who I am as a Manager, but who I am as a person.
‘There are not many courses that one takes and keeps as daily carry-on luggage: lessons that make a real difference, lessons that allowed me to be more productive even with the most simple tasks.’
Jerome Casteigt
General Manager Nespresso Australia
‘It is easy to major on the minors, striving for effectiveness but getting distracted on the little things. Cyril helped me develop the “efficiency habit”, giving me more time to be effective at what really matters. … Doing things right gives me more time on the right things.’
Peter Nicholas
Director, Customer Value
AMP Financial Services
”I estimate we saved between half a million dollars to a million dollars of cost thanks to this journey. As importantly, the increased focus of the team probably accelerated some key projects by about six months. It is hard to quantify the impact on our revenue and performance, but I know it is huge.’
Neil Younger
Head of Dealer Group
BT Financial Group
‘Your approach is sensational! It is extremely practical and challenging, but realistic in its attempts to change behaviours. I saw real results immediately, for myself and my team.
‘I am now more focused on doing more of the right things. I spend more time, about two hours more per day, on the things that matter and disregard the things that don’t. I spend more time with clients and developing key relationships as opposed to mundane administrative and email tasks that were all-consuming.
‘This program has created lasting positive changes on the way I work.’
Giles Gunesekera
Director, Head of Third Party Sales
Principal Global Investors
‘The journey with Cyril delivered an immediate and lasting impact on the sense of purpose of all team members. Clarity of focus on the activities which count has improved group achievement as well as the way team members inter-work with others. Beyond this, improved ways of working have resulted in less intrusion of work into my personal time.’
Philip Park
General Manager National Planning & Development
NSW | SingTel Optus
‘The main impact is that I sleep at night. I didn’t realise the impact of my work on my stress levels. I was working long hours and coming home stressed. Since working with Cyril, I am far less stressed. I sleep at night.
He changed my life!’