Pure Energy
A Guide To Your Life as it Should Be.
Beverley Chance
Copyright © 2012 Beverley Chance
This book is designed to provide information to help you live a more fulfilled and abundant life. It is the opinion of the Author and you should only use it as a guide.
The purpose of this manual is to educate and entertain. The author and Publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book.
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I dedicate this book to my amazing children, Jade, Jessica, Lucy & Tyson.
You bring inspiration to my life each and every day. May you achieve all your dreams in this lifetime and leave your mark on the world. You are powerful beyond measure and can do anything you desire. I love each of you unconditionally and for eternity. Love, light & blessings to you all my beautiful beams of light.
I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who saw me through this book; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments and assisted in the editing, proofreading and design.
I would like to thank my family, who supported and encouraged me in spite of all the time it took me away from them and the many long nights I spent tapping away on the keyboard. It was a long journey for them.
To each person that has touched my life I thank you from the bottom of my heart as you have each played a part in my journey and in leading me to where I now find myself. I bless you all. xxx
Thanks to my dad who has encouraged me and helped me with the final touches - without you this book would never have been finished. Nicole, I am grateful for your help in just keeping me going and lifting me up. You are an angel. Thank you.
Thank you to Donald E Wells Jr. You are an inspiration to me and your guidance and help is deeply appreciated.
Last and not least: I beg forgiveness of all those who have been with me over the course of the years and whose names I have failed to mention.”
Introduction - Energy Evolution
The wheels of life keep turning and evolving. The world is going through huge changes which require us to adapt. Many people can feel this shift or change and it is affecting many of us in a huge way.
We have come to a time where no longer do we feel safe allowing our children out to play in the street. Violence is at record highs, child abuse and domestic violence is growing. People are reacting to the changes in different ways but we all feel it. Spiritually aware people are moving with the changes and using them to propel their lives forward, where others are finding themselves more and more confused. 2009 was a huge year for many lots of upheaval and change and as we have progressed through 2010 to 2011 and into 2012 there is no signs of this changing any time soon. This change was needed and is necessary. The Earth is shifting and bringing with it natural disasters and mass destruction. Breakdowns within the structure of society, It is all very necessary for what is to come. We are moving forward to a time of peace and serenity. It is as though the world has become divided. There is a definite split, people are either growing more fearful and reacting out of fear or they are becoming more in tune with the energies of the universe and turning to love. To move with the changes we need to be aware of the energies and work with them not against them. We have to open ourselves up to the possibility of change, learn to love unconditionally and also practice forgiveness.
This outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts and the turmoil we have allowed ourselves to feel on the inside.
Many of you reading this will understand what I am saying, you will feel the knowingness deep within the core of your being. Others will want to believe it but may not be ready to fully embrace the change. Then there will be those of you that call me crazy, but if I can reach out and make a difference in a handful of lives then I have achieved my goal, to help heal in this challenging time. Be open and embrace the words between the pages for they can help bring you into a state of alignment with your purpose in this lifetime.
Whether you are in tune with what I write or not, you cannot deny that the earth is changing. Mother Nature is fighting back and showing us what we have become. She is mirroring our fears and pain. She is hurting and we all have to come together to help heal and bring peace, love and understanding back into the world.
Technology and growth although necessary have caused a disoriented life for many and over time we have become disconnected from our link with the spirit world from which we all came and from where we are travelling to. We are each a spirit residing in a human body for the purpose of living a journey, filled with lessons to aid in our souls growth and expansion. We are each on a journey of self discovery and empowerment that can only be found by re-connecting with our source power.
Children are no longer explorers fascinated by the wonder and awe of nature, but instead are caught up in a world of video games and TV. A world much more violent and aggressive. No longer do we see boys out with dads building billy carts in the garden, or climbing trees. We have totally lost the connection and wonder for life. It is all about who has more, the biggest, the best or the latest. Whatever happened to the loving family that took regular vacations together or laughed at silly jokes. Instead children are embarrassed and ashamed of their parents. As parents we really need to step up and take responsibility for these souls. Many parents now are too busy using artificial stimulants and trying to find their own happiness, when what they should be doing is finding happiness by being a parent and in the wonder of being an example for their children to look up to. We are all lost and searching for our own happiness.
”When you SEEK HAPPINESS for yourself, it will always elude you. When you seek happiness for OTHERS, you will find it yourself.” From 101 Ways to Transform your Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
I will show you how to live a life of wonder and awe. Connecting with the energy to allow you a life where you choose to heal your body, mind and spirit as you move to a life filled with complete abundance and happiness.
It is my hope with this book to help you evolve with the changes and to bring understanding to the people that are searching for answers and a way to move forward. To help you to see that you are the magician in your life. You can bring anything you desire into your life if you just know how.
I send loving guidance and healing energy to each of you through the pages of this book. My love is eternal and fills your being with light as you read.
Blessings & light to all.
Creation is Universal Perfection
When God created man, he gifted him with Earth, rich with an abundance of everything he would ever need to live a wonderful and healthy life.
Trees were created to give oxygen, The sun for light and vitamins for the body, water for drinking and cleansing, as well as food in abundance, full of all the vitamins and minerals to keep the body working at peak levels. Man took what he was given and over time has created chemicals to imitate what nature once provided.