Chris McIntyre

Religious Commune Volume I

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      Religious Commune Volume I, by Author Chris McIntyre is an imaginative book regarding subjects of interesting and inspiring religious content. An in-depth glance at personal experiences through the Holy Word. Religious Commune is very informative with room to agree or disagree. -Excellent 10/10 -Indigenous 9/10

      Fluxed Existences

       Mankind may have originated from beasts. No one can rule out this possibility. The fact of beasts and savagery is the land of Africa. Many natural treasures are relevant such as a diamond or even an animal’s mate. Beasts feeding on beasts, as mankind advanced, burnt offerings may have replaced such savagery. Unto present day similarities are still present. The similarities are that evolution in some form is no doubt true. Growth of any kind counts as evolution. The opposition is that we are who we are. We are that same person every day so evolution is looking at History to quickly not day to day logical experiences.

       There is the viewpoint that a force known as God separated light from dark, representing good and evil for the reasons of being completely alone in the universe. When I state light from dark I don’t suggest black and white, yet day and night, material and empty space. It is possible that other planets have the same God in exact opposite conditions. The similarities are that God is God as the Holy Bible has very clearly addressed. The opposition is that space is an extremely infinite mystery that nature does not allow human beings to reach. Mankind has proven that the study of science over rules any form of God.

       Some believe that Men and Women have always inhabited the earth from the deserts to the snow peaked mountains. We are alive at this point in time suggesting that we have always been here. The Ape did not evolve into a Snake and vice versa. The Boa can possibly represent the struggle of man as in the temptation in the Garden of Eden. The fruit in the Garden of Eden represents food in all forms for all mankind. The similarities are that there are many different species that represent completely different things. But the facts are that men, women, and animals are individual life forms that are full of life. The opposition is that men, women, and animals die. The acceptance that the revolution of life is the interpretation that rebirth may be apparent.

       The idea of extra-terrestrials and the study of human sciences is the ability to create medicines and cures for diseases. The intelligence that extra-terrestrials present involves the study of fluids and immortality. Mankind have always looked up to the stars and imagined other life forms to guide the human species. Through sciences we have discovered astronomy and technologies that have allowed us to experience outer space travel. Further space civilization is the striving point for the human species, for that’s why money is distributed and collected.

       The study of fluxed existences informs us that all forms exist simultaneously. No religion is right or wrong and vice versa. To insinuate that only one root of existence is correct is an uneducated guess.

       Another form of belief is that Jesus is the Son of Suns. Whether you believe in the Virgin Mary or even Jesus himself they are biblical figures proven to have lived through historical facts as well as religious stories. Jesus also lived in Faith in God as many of us do today as well as fear in that Faith. Many had set out to persecute him for not only being able to perform miracles but the reason for his abilities. The goal while Jesus lived was to bring peace by any means. Some believe he was the main idealist behind writing the Holy Bible as well as his Apostles. This is most likely true because someone had to write it right? And who better than the early gathering of the churches.

       There is only one Jesus Christ and there is no replacing him. Although, many have gathered to worship and bargain with the good side of God. Understanding that Jesus lived in an ancient era we ask ourselves why does war exist today if not for religious reasons? Why can Governments not work out their problems logically? With so many people feeling trapped in everyday life where do they turn? People do turn to religion or historical studies. People do look to the stars for an escape. But that does not explain the reason for mankind’s existence.

       Astronomy may find the answer or religion may explain a reason. But one thing is for certain. Every person will come to a different conclusion whether it be in their school teachings or even their dreams.

       I personally have come to find that the Garden of Eden is not a direct answer for mankind’s existence, that evolution and the story of the ice age are reasonably true. The ancient gods had created beasts, plants, and imprinted wisdom, intelligence, and language into forms of Cro-Magnon Man which is very relevant in the evolution process. I do not personally believe human beings originated from Apes directly but rather are a completely separate species such as the difference between a snake and an ape. Some people believe men and women originated from Tigers but it’s strange that all people look similar and have similar qualities.

       In my findings, the difference between the ancient gods and who we know as the One God is a very interesting and an in-depth subject. They have their own councils, their own Laws, and their own lands, and ways of conducting their services to life on earth and perhaps elsewhere. It is very naïve to think that human beings are on the very top of the hierarchy chart. This is easily understood through paranormal activity many have claimed to have experienced and even the stars above.

       The idea of fluxed existences may be the key for an understanding and an interpretation that human beings may have different viewpoints on how we were created but one thing is for certain, we are alive!

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