a young buxom brown haired green eyed woman named Kate was by herself watching horror movies and eating popcorn. She wore a t-shirt with the word ‘Spooky’ written on it
Her friends were all out partying, she decided to spend the night by herself.
The doorbell rang. . She opened the door, there stood four children, one was dress as vampire another dressed as a werewolf the two others were dressed as a witch and a pirate. “Trick or treat!” “Cute.” she said, she gave them each a Fisherman’s Friend. “This isn’t candy.” The werewolf kid complained “They’re good for coughs.”” She shut the door. The kids shrugged “Come on guys, let’s go.” “How can I watch my movies if those damn kids keep showing up?” The phone rang.
“It’s just one interruption after another.” She picked up the phone. “Hello?” “Trick or treat.” “Oh come on, Dave the whole phone thing is getting old, I’m hanging up now.” It rang again. “Hello?” “Why did you hang up on me?” “Because, Dave you do the whole trying- to scare me through- the phone thing every year and frankly, I’m getting sick of it.” She was about to hang up. “I’m not Dave.” “Then who the hell are you?” The voice laughed. “Just call me, death!” Now she was getting scared, she slowly began to hang up. She began shivering. “What am I going to do?’ She thought, she slowly began walking toward the door and locked it.
She went to the basement grabbed an ax and walked back up stairs, she picked up the phone and dialed 911. “Hello, police?” She heard the same laughter. “The cops can’t help you now, bitch!” “No, damn it.” The door knob began twisting and it opened even though it was locked. There stood shadowy form it was human, but yet in human it had flowing black hair and eyes that glowed like a jack -o-lantern. It grinned and said. “Trick or treat.” She paused and stared, this specter that she was looking at may the ghost of the serial killer Jack London; as he was
executed on a Halloween.
“Jack...London.” “In the former flesh.” He raised his left hand, she began loosing her grip on the ax.
The ax flew out of her hand and into his. She screamed and ran for the stairs, he chased after her. She ran out of the basement door. She began running and screaming. “Somebody help me, please!” No one responded. She found a bush and decided to hide.
She thought she safe, but she wasn’t. The shadowy figure crept towards her. “I see you.” Tears flooded down her eyes. “No, stop please!” She screamed as he lifted the axe and it was done. He picked up the body threw it in river. He grinned “I can’t wait till next year.” He said as he vanished into the darkness.
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