… Pansies, Lavender and 49 other Delicious Edible Flowers
Denise Schreiber
Eat Your Roses
…Pansies, Lavender and 49 Other Delicious Edible Flowers
Copyright © 2011 Denise Schreiber
All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9819615-5-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010937021
CIP information available upon request
First Edition, 2011
St. Lynn’s Press . POB 18680 . Pittsburgh, PA 15236
412.466.0790 . www.stlynnspress.com
Typesetting–Holly Rosborough, Network Printing Services
Cover Design–Jeff Nicoll
Editor–Catherine Dees
Photo Credits
To be entered here….
Unless where otherwise noted, all photographs are © Patricia Toth Mc Cormick.
Disclaimer: The author and publisher expressly disclaim any responsibility for any adverse effects occurring as a result of the suggestions or information herein, including the handling or consuming of plants named in this book.
Printed in China
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Note: Many of these photographs are from Creative Commons. In some cases a full name was provided for crediting, in other cases only a username. We wish to thank all the photographers listed below for the use of their images.
Anise hyssop: Wayne Ray
Apple blossom: audriusa
Artichoke: chinacrisis
Bachelor button/Cornflower: Teun Spaans
Basil: Michael Castielli
Borage: Victor M. Vicente Selvas
Broccoli: Rasback
Calendula: Ramesh Ng
Cauliflower: Patricia Toth McCormick
Chamomile: Joaquim Alves Gaspar
Chive flower: Wing K. Lee
Dandelion: Sandy Feather
Daylily: Denise Schreiber
Dianthus: Manfred Werner
Eastern redbud: Sandy Feather
Elderberry: J.M. Garg
False Red Yucca flower (hesperaloe): miwasatoshi
Fennel flower: Carsten Niehaus
Garlic scape: Canterel
Rose geranium: Laitche
Herbes de Provence: French Tart-FT (http://www.flickr.com/photos/frenchtart/)
Hibiscus: Andrew Fogg
Lavender: Denise Schreiber
Lemon balm: Nabokov
Lemon verbena: istock, N. Nehring
Lilac: Victor Lee
Signet Marigold: vulkano
Marjoram: Raul654
Mint, Spearmint: miguel303xm
Monarda/bee balm: Joe Schneid
Nasturtium: Patricia Toth McCormick
Onion flower: Patricia Toth McCormick
Orange blossom: Ellen Levy Finch
Oregano flower: Christian Bauer
Pansy: Patricia Toth McCormick
Passionflower: Density
Garden Pea flower: Brndvall
Pineapple guava: John Harrison
Pineapple Sage: Eric Hunt
Prickly pear: Denise Schreiber
Radish flower: Denise Schreiber
Rosemary: Christian Bauer
Roses: Patricia Toth McCormick
Garden sage: Topjabot
Scarlet Runner Bean: Fatrabbit
Squash flower: jake7401
Strawberry: Sedum