Ted Carns

Off On Our Own

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       TED CARNS

      Off On Our Own Living Off-Grid in Comfortable Independence

      Copyright © 2011 by Ted Carns

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored,

      or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the

      publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages

      for review purposes.

      ISBN-13: 978-0-9832726-0-1

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2011928753

      CIP information available upon request

      St. Lynn’s Press. POB 18680. Pittsburgh, PA 15236

      412.466.0790. www.stlynnspress.com

      Cover Design – Heidi Spurgin, Pure Design

      Book Design – Holly Rosborough, Network Printing Services

      Editor – Catherine Dees

      Photos on pages 104, 235, author photo on page 274, and photos on front and back covers by Joni Koynok; photos on page 2 by Mark Ohi; all other photos courtesy of the author.

      Printed in The United States of America –

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      To Mary, that would be Jesus’s mom, to whom as a non-Catholic, non-Orthodox alien to the church I dedicate my life. For Her I resisted 532 impulses to use the “f-word” in reference to those forces in our culture that lead us to undermine, weaken and destroy the majestic equilibrium of nature. It’s not that I worship nature before the Godhead, or tangible creation more than an intangible Creator – but rather that I see so clearly, “As we do, so is it done unto us.”

      As I try to walk the fine line between dominion and stewardship, I know that the quintessential mother of us all is fully aware of my efforts. So here’s my disclaimer: When my words are true, they can be attributed to Her inspiration; when I get it wrong, it’s all on me.



       I A WAY OF LIFE

Chapter 1: The Stone Camp
Chapter 2: Needs, Desires and Magic
Chapter 3: From First Light
Chapter 4: Time, Money and My Jeweled Cape
Chapter 5: Deep Connections
Chapter 6: Recycling
Chapter 7: Turning Household Plastics into Building Blocks


Chapter 8: At Home
Chapter 9: Food and Our Kitchen Lifestyle
Chapter 10: Refrigeration
Chapter 11: Water
Chapter 12: Power