October 2017
© 2017 Asian Development Bank
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Some rights reserved. Published in 2017.
ISBN 978-92-9257-989-0 (print), 978-92-9257-990-6 (electronic)
Publication Stock No. TCS178980-2
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ADB recognizes “China” as the People’s Republic of China.
Corrigenda to ADB publications may be found at
1: Freshwater Withdrawals in the PRC, by Sector, 1950-2010 | 5 |
2: Baseline Water Stress and Provincial Water Withdrawals in the PRC, by Sector, 2012 | 6 |
3: Primary Energy Supply in the PRC, 2000-2014 | 8 |
4: Major Coal Bases and Baseline Water Stress in the PRC | 13 |
5: Water Use in Coal Mining in the PRC | 14 |
6: Water Use in Oil Production in the PRC | 20 |
7: Flow Diagram of Refining Process and Water Use in a Refinery with a Hydrocracker | 21 |
8: Schematic Diagram of Water Use in Unconventional Natural Gas (Tight Gas and Shale Gas) Production | 23 |
9: Shale Gas Plays and Baseline Water Stress in the PRC | 25 |
10: Power Generation Mix of the PRC, 2014 | 27 |
11: Schematic Diagrams of Different Cooling Technologies Used in Thermal Power Plants | 31 |
12: Trends in Power Generation and Associated Water Withdrawal in the PRC, 2000-2014 | 32 |
13: Water Withdrawal and Wastewater Factors for Power Plants in the PRC, 2000-2012 | 33 |
14: Cooling Technologies in the PRC Power Sector | 33 |
15: Distribution of Cooling Technologies in the PRC, by Region, 2011 | 34 |
16: Share of Power Production, Water Withdrawal, and Consumption in PRC Totals, by Cooling Type, 2011 | 34 |
17: Water Withdrawal Intensity in the PRC, by Province, 2011 | 35 |
18: Water Consumption Intensity in the PRC, by Province, 2011 | 36 |
19: Share of Power Production, Water Withdrawal, and Consumption, by Region, 2011 | 36 |
20: Freshwater Withdrawal by the Power Sector in the PRC under the Various Reference Scenarios, 2020 and 2030 | 38 |
21: Water Consumption in the PRC, by Cooling Type, under the Various Reference Scenarios, 2020-2030 | 39 |
22: Water Resource Fees for Industrial Use | 41 |
23: Proposed Hydropower Bases in the PRC | 44 |
24: Schematic Diagram of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant | 47 |
25: Schematic Flow Diagram of Different Stages of Water Treatment | 58 |
26: Schematic Diagram of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant | 59 |
1: Water Resource Distribution Between the Northern and Southern Regions of the PRC, 2014 | 3 |