Fly Fishing
A No Nonsense Guide to Top Waters
Brian & Jenny Grossenbacher
Brian Grossenbacher at the Boulder River on a summer day.Photo by Jenny Grossenbacher.
Fly FishingMontana
A No Nonsense Guide to Top Waters
ISBN-10 1-892469-14-6
ISBN-13 978-1-892469-14-4
ISBN-13 978-1-61881-117-2 (ebook)
© 2007 Brian & Jenny Grossenbacher
Published by:
No Nonsense Fly Fishing Guidebooks
P.O. Box 91858
Tucson, AZ 85752-1858
(520) 547-2462
Printed in China
Editor: Howard Fisher
Maps, Illustrations, Design & Production:
Pete Chadwell, Dynamic Arts
Front Cover: Photo by Brian Grossenbacher
Back Cover: Photo by Brian Grossenbacher
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Segments of this book may be reproduced when using brief excerpts in critical reviews and articles, with appropriate credit.
The No Nonsense Creed
The best way to go fly fishing is to find out a little something about a water, then just go there. Experimentation, trial-and-error, wrong turns, surprises, self-reliance, and new discoveries, even in familiar waters, are what make the memories. The next best way is to learn enough from a local to save you from going too far wrong. You still find the water on your own, and it still feels as if you were the first to do so.
This is the idea for our unique No Nonsense fly fishing series. Our books reveal little hush-hush information, yet they give all you need to find what will become your own secret places.
Painstakingly pared down, our writing is elegantly simple. Each title offers a local fly fishing expert's candid tour of his or her favorite fly fishing waters. Nothing is oversold or out of proportion. Everything is authentic, especially the discoveries and experiences you get after using our books. In his outstanding book Jerusalem Creek, Ted Leeson echoes our idea: “Discovering a new trout stream is a wonderful thing, and even if its whereabouts are common knowledge, to come upon the place yourself for the first time is nonetheless true discovery.”
Where No Nonsense Guides Come From
No Nonsense guidebooks give you a quick, clear understanding of the essential information needed to fly fish a region's most outstanding waters. The authors are highly experienced and qualified local fly fishers. Maps are tidy versions of the author's sketches. These guides are produced by the fly fishers, their friends, and spouses of fly fishers, at No Nonsense Fly Fishing Guidebooks.
All who produce No Nonsense guides believe in providing top quality products at a reasonable price. We also believe all information should be verified. We never hesitate to go out, fly rod in hand, to verify the facts and figures that appear in the pages of these guides. The staff is committed to this research.
It's hard work, but we're glad to do it for you.
Jenny Grossenbacher with a healthy brown on DePuy Spring Creek.Photo by Brian Grossenbacher.
Table of Contents
Etiquette, Access, and Conservation
Top Montana Fly Fishing Waters
Photos by Brian Grossenbacher.