Jan Brokken

The Music of the Netherlands Antilles

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      Anton L. Allahar and Shona N. Jackson

      Series Editors

       The Music of the Netherlands Antilles

      Why Eleven Antilleans Knelt before Chopin’s Heart





      The University Press of Mississippi is a member

      of the Association of American University Presses.

      The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support

      of the Dutch Foundation for Literature.


      Waarom elf Antillianen knielden voor het hart van Chopin copyright © 2005 by Jan Brokken Originally published by Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, Amsterdam

      English translation copyright © 2015

      by University Press of Mississippi

      All rights reserved

      Manufactured in the United States of America

      First English printing 2015


      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Brokken, Jan, 1949– author.

      [Waarom elf Antillianen knielden voor het hart van Chopin. English]

      The music of the Netherland Antilles : why eleven Antilleans knelt

      before Chopin’s heart / Jan Brokken ; translated by Scott Rollins.

      pages cm. — (Caribbean studies series)

      Originally published: Waarom elf Antillianen knielden voor het hart

      van Chopin / Jan Brokken. Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Atlas Contact,


      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-1-62846-185-5 (hardback) — ISBN 978-1-62846-186-2 (ebook)

      1. Music—Netherlands Antilles—History and criticism. I. Rollins,

      Scott, 1952– translator. II. Title.

      ML207.N48B7613 2015

780.972986—dc23 2014017809

      British Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data available

      Chopin’s death was not the end,

      but just the beginning.

      —Frederic Bastet

      Solo: Brothers, let me sing

      Chorus: Yes, give me a chance

      Solo: Sing in our own rhythm

      Chorus: Yes give me a chance

      —Text from a Dutch Caribbean tambú*


       Translator’s Note

       1. A Polish Prelude

       2. You Can Tell Just by Listening, Can’t You?

       3. The Faintest Idea

       4. Geniuses of the Right Hand

       5. A Port of Transit

       6. As Melancholic as a Sunset

       7. Which One of the Three?

       8. Oh My Sweet Darling, Spare Me

       9. The Virtuoso Nomad

       10. An Island of Defaulters

       11. The Passion for a Great-Great-Grandfather

       12. A Wrong Modulation

       13. The Palms

       14. Your Tempi!

       15. Every Child Brings Its Own Bread

       16. Celebratory and Elegiac Waltzes

       17. Shon May and Shon Max

       18. Sensuous Movement

       19. Max and the Shark

       20. The Rebels

       21. The New Woman

       22. Curfew

       23. My Sister the Negress

       24. Spy

       25. Fifteen Hundred Out-of-tune Pianos

       26. Music Everywhere

       27. Chick Corea

       28. Dirty Jim/Mighty Bomber

       29. Mazurka Erotika

       30. The Tumba Queen

       31. End of an Era

       32. Bal Colonial

       33. The Pilgrimage

       34. The Trade Wind in My Ears
