Copyright © 2013 by Peter Sacco.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
DoctorZed Publishing
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61-(8) 8431-4965
ISBN: 978-0-9874676-2-1 (e)
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Any people depicted in cover imagery are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.
This book would not be possible with all the help I have had from the following folks:
Thank you to Erica Benedikty and the team at TV Cogeco for the amazing second season of taping Niagara's Most Haunted. A sincere thanks to Robert "Scotty" Crawford for his interview, information and copies of reports from the 1970 'Poltergeist' case in St. Catharine’s. Thank you to Mayor Vance Badawey of Port Colborne for his help at various locations and setting up interviews. Thank you to Eva Nicklas and the information she provided me with for Lewiston, NY locations. A special thanks to David "Buck" Rodgers for the exceptional help with all the shoots and information gathering sessions!
The following information in this book was gathered and collected through interviews with willing participants, newspaper clippings and media interviews. Several names have been changed or not used to protect individual identities and locations. The information in this book was collected from reputable individuals and I am not one to judge, accept or refute what they have told me. Final conclusions are left to the reader.
I have also chosen not to disclose the actual location of the "Possession Case" mentioned in this book, even though it is and has been made known in the media. I have not and will not describe or offer the location of the "Haunted House" in this book to anyone, outside of those who provided me with interviews or helped find information to maintain the privacy of the individuals who now own the house. Also, I will never mention the names of those involved in the "Phantom Case", as that was discussed when these folks agreed to be interviewed. I respect their privacy and their wishes. Thank you.
I am the host of the local TV series Niagara's Most Haunted, now in its second season. I created the series based on my factual book of the same name Niagara's Most Haunted: Legends and Myths. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world - The Niagara Region. Sure it boasts being the home to one of the most amazing wonders of the world. It has some of the most eye-popping scenery, both naturally created and man-made as well. It is also the home of the most historical, bloody battles in North America history, the War of 1812. Some experts in the field of paranormal research, ghost investigation, and pseudo-psychological research claim that the Niagara Region is a hot bed for paranormal and haunted activities. Furthermore, some claim that Niagara on the Lake is the most haunted town in North America! Is it any wonder people come to try and see ghosts on the many "ghost walks" made available for the curious?
I have been asked many times as to whether or not I believe or disbelieve. Often times I sit on the fence and answer, "I don't know!" I know I am a coward perhaps more so when it comes to me answering questions about my beliefs on ghosts versus actually going to these "haunted" places, which I might add is very fun! I must admit, being a "man of science" and "needing to see it to believe it" when it comes to this stuff, I have actually learned a lot about things that supposedly go "bump in the night" through filming this series.
My production team and I have gone through many "haunted" places and have been fortunate to interview some really cool, interesting, and informed people. After all, when you have so many historical sites linked to the War of 1812, there is a lot of "history" linked to these sites and of course...ghost stories! If you read my book Niagara's Most Haunted: Legends and Myths, you will be informed, entertained, and enlightened...very enlightened!
This is a different book you are about to read as it focuses on several unique, bizarre stories/cases that have haunted the Niagara Region for many decades. These stories are not the popular War of 1812 haunted location variety, rather they are the ones "shrouded" in secrecy, or have details missing, inconclusive outcomes, or no one is talking. I hope you will enjoy reading this fun little book as it was very fun writing it!
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