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      Table of Contents

       Can There Really Be a System for Success?

       The Search Begins

       Get Ready for Tomorrow

       Be a Self-Builder

       Don’t Leave Your Future Behind You

       I Find the Treasure Map

       How to Find What You Are Looking For

       Get on the Right Course

       Go Power

       An Eventful Journey

       We Weathered the Storm

       It’s Easy If You Know How

       Mysterious Sources of Power

       The Way of All Flesh

       How to Get Where You Want

       If You Want a Job, Go After It

       Wealth and the True Riches of Life

       How to Spark the Ambition

       Gifted Men Are Made...Not Born

       The Power That Changes the Destiny

       The True Riches of Life

       The Search Ends

       The Author Reviews His Own Work

       About the Author

      The Success System That Never Fails

       by William Clement Stone

      Copyright © 2014 Rediscovered Books

      Cover image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / maxkabakov

      All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

      ISBN 13: 978-1-63384-450-6

      First Edition

      Can There Really Be a System for Success?

      An Introduction

      “A small drop of ink makes thousands, perhaps millions think,” wrote Byron in Don Juan. And foremost in the thoughts of these millions has been the search for success in their personal, family and business lives.

      Today, right at this moment, in every part of the world, there are those who wonder what they can do to get further along toward some shining goal, and to their own self-improvement.

      Many will snatch a secret from the depths of their hearts and souls that will drive them on to high achievement. But most of them will continue to wonder...dream...and wish. And then one day they will awaken with a shock to find themselves standing in the same spot at which they dreamed as young men. But now they have lost their dreams and they wonder why.

      Everyone Wants Something

      No matter what it is: money, position, prestige...some special achievement...the opportunity to be of service to his fellow men...love, a happy marriage and happy home.

      Everyone yearns for some kind of fulfillment–success in some form. To be happy...to be healthy...to be wealthy...and to experience the true riches of life–these are universal desires. And it’s these inner urges which inspire us to action.

      You and I are no exception. And you have the same opportunities as other men and women, in high or low places, to succeed or to fail...in this land of unlimited opportunity where many have brought their good desires into reality–and where others have fallen into the wayside of life.

      Why does one man succeed and another fail? There is an answer. And it will be found in this book.

      For there are formulas, prescriptions, recipes–rules, principles, systems–even treasure maps, if you please–which, when followed in proper sequence, bring the good things in life to those who seek them. Often the rules for success are so simple and so obvious they aren’t even seen. But when you search for them, you, too, can find them.

      And during the search something wonderful happens: you acquire knowledge...you gain experience...you become inspired. And then you begin to realize the necessary ingredients for success.

      In This House

      Not long ago I accepted an invitation to visit Kentuckiana Children’s Center at Louisville, Kentucky. I had heard that Dr. Lorraine Golden, its directress, had given up a large income from her private practice to use her talents, experience and the help of a Higher Power to help crippled children walk.

      As I toured the clinic I noticed everything was spotlessly clean. I stopped when I saw a little girl seated in a chair.

      “What’s your name?” I asked gently.

      “Jenny,” she replied.

      The girl’s mother was seated nearby so I asked her to tell me about Jenny.

      The mother’s eyes looked into mine as she said: “Jenny is six years of age. For the first four years of her life she was a cripple, unable to walk. We didn’t have money, so I brought her to the clinic. Dr. Golden told me that Jenny had a nerve blockage. Now Jenny can walk.”

      The mother hesitated. From her expression I felt she had something more to say something personal. So I waited.

      “Mr. Stone...I want you to know that...” She hesitated again. And then she said it: “...outside my church this is the only house in which I feel the presence of God.”

      When she finished, her head was bowed as if to hide her emotions, and, perhaps, a tear. Jenny, the little child who couldn’t walk for the first four years of her life, walked over to her mother, put her arms around her and kissed her.

      As I continued my tour through the clinic I realized that it was the driving desire of Dr. Golden which had made Kentuckiana a reality, a generous, dedicated, self-sacrificing desire that could not be held down. But to move one to action, desire must be joined to ambition and initiative.

      Desire Is the Beginning to All Human Achievement

      How does one develop ambition when he isn’t ambitious? How does he develop initiative when he doesn’t have it? How do you motivate yourself or another person to action? These are questions I have often been asked by persons in all walks of life: parents, teachers, ministers–salesmen, sales managers, executives–and high school and college students.

      “First develop the desire,” I respond.

      But how do you germinate a desire? How do you begin? These answers will become self-evident as you read on. Remember: There is magic in desire; also, magic lies in the skill of the magician. And skill depends on three necessary ingredients. In fact, continuous success in each human activity depends upon these three important ingredients. This I learned. And this I proved as I developed my sales system that never fails which led me to an amazing discovery...the success system that never fails.

      Prepare for Future Abundance

      I have seen the principles of success at work in the lives of hundreds of men and women in every field of endeavor. It was only through continuous study and testing that I found the reasons behind both success and failure...and something more: how to motivate those had failed–later to succeed.

      In the belief that that which remains with you when you share with others the good and the beautiful will multiply and grow, I am sharing with you, in this book, the techniques for success as I have found them to be.

      And I know from experience that if you will take a journey with me, chapter by chapter, through this book, on a treasure hunt–you, too, will be able to use the success system that never fails to bring your worthwhile desires into reality.