and the
Olly Pike
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there
lived a brother and sister. They were known
as Prince Oskar and Princess Caroline.
Like many brothers and sisters,
they had their differences.
Oskar liked to read quietly and mostly alone. Caroline
liked to read loudly and usually to someone else.
Oskar liked planting
flowers and finding
bugs on the ground.
Caroline liked climbing
trees and finding
whatever she could.
Oskar would often
paint beautiful pictures
of the forest...
...and Caroline would often
paint the forest beautifully.
They cared for each other as brothers and
sisters do and, although Caroline was quite
happy with the life she led, Oskar hoped
that one day he might just meet someone
whom he could share his life with.
The fairytales Oskar had read
made him very much believe that
everyone should fall in love.
One day Oskar and Caroline were relaxing by a large
pond close to their home. Oskar rested on the soft
grass, whilst Caroline swam in the cool water.
They were both having a wonderful
time, when all of a sudden...
“Oskar!” squealed Caroline. “Come
quickly, my face has turned green!”
Caroline peered down into the water.
Looking back up was the face of a frog.
“Ha ha, Caroline! That’s not your reflection!” Oskar
chuckled. “That’s just the face of a little green frog.”
Oskar and Caroline began to laugh and the
little frog hopped out of the water.
The little frog suddenly spoke. “I’m so
sorry! I hope I didn’t scare you?”
Oskar and Caroline stopped laughing immediately;
they could hardly believe what was happening.
“A talking frog!” exclaimed Caroline.
“How enchanting...” remarked Oskar.
The little frog cleared his throat
and continued to speak.
“Actually, I’m not really a frog...”
he said. “Well, what I
mean is, I haven’t
always been a frog.”
“Then what are you?” asked a confused Caroline.
The little frog let out a sigh.
“I used to be a prince...
Long ago, an evil wizard
transformed me.”
“What a mean thing to do!”
Oskar cried. “How can we
help you?”
“The spell can be broken...
but only by true love’s kiss,”
explained the little frog.
“True love’s kiss?” repeated Caroline. “But
where are you going to find that?”
Oskar and the little frog both paused.
They looked at Caroline, then at each
other, then back to Caroline.
“Oh I don’t think so,” Caroline said, before they
could even ask. She knew exactly what they
were thinking! “I’m not even sure I like kissing
humans, let alone frogs,” Caroline finished.
“Caroline!” pleaded Oskar. “Surely we must
try to help this little frog? And besides, this
could be your chance to fall in love!”
Caroline considered the
situation. She wasn’t entirely
keen on the idea of kissing, or
even love... But she did want
to help this little frog, so after
a short while she knelt down
and kissed him on the head.
After a brief moment of
nothingness the little frog
spoke. “It didn’t work,”
he croaked.
Oskar frowned. Something
was missing...
“LOVE!” He clicked his
fingers as he realised.
“We need true love’s kiss!”
Oskar said excitedly
“But we’re not in love,”
said Caroline.
“Not yet!” replied Oskar.