To Mum, Dad and Nick, for sailing through the storms with me
First published in Great Britain 2017
by Egmont UK Limited
The Yellow Building, 1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN
Text copyright © Sarah Driver, 2017
Illustrations copyright © Joe McLaren, 2017
Additional interior illustrations by Janene Spencer
First e-book edition 2017
ISBN 978 1 4052 8467 7
Ebook ISBN 978 1 7803 1763 2
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Stay safe online. Any website addresses listed in this book are correct at the time of going to print. However, Egmont is not responsible for content hosted by third parties. Please be aware that online content can be subject to change and websites can contain content that is unsuitable for children. We advise that all children are supervised when using the internet.
12 Aches and Pains
13 Storm
14 Turning Tides
15 The Unseeing Eye
PART 2: Winter’s Prowl
16 Dragonfly
17 Dread’s Eve
18 The Stone Circle
19 The Merwraith
20 Cut Adrift
21 The Hunter
22 Dungeon
23 Endless Night
24 Bad Blood
25 Moonrise over the End of the World
26 Hawk-courage
27 True-Tribe
PART 3: Flight
28 Rattlebones
29 Thunder Heart
30 What the Sea Spat Out
31 Crow
32 Labyrinth
33 Wreckers
34 One Boss
35 Crew
36 Bony Isle Bound
37 Devil’s Hag
38 Hooked
39 Blood-magyk
40 Song of Sorrow
41 Battle Scars
42 Castle Whalesbane
43 Dead Reckoning
44 Storm-brewing
45 Tentacles
46 Free Flight
The beasts are coming.
I’m below decks in the gloomy kitchens, helping Pipistrelle salt raw reindeer steak, when the first call hacks through the air. As the sound fades, my fingers stop dead and cold chunks of salt dig into my skin. My bones turn to water but I won’t let my knees buckle. Pip stops his tuneless whistling and scowls. My heart barely thuds before the clanging of the alarm bell shatters the