Bernard R. Glick

Molecular Biotechnology

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in a dense array on a solid surface, have enabled rapid and inexpensive acquisition of genome sequences. Hundreds of millions of short nucleotide reads can be acquired simultaneously (massive parallelization) and assembled into contigs. Using these approaches, the genome sequences of thousands of organisms from all domains of life, including the metagenomes of entire communities of microorganisms in an environmental sample, have been completed or are in progress. The next steps are to annotate the sequence features and to determine the functions of the genes encoded in the genomes by investigating patterns of transcription (transcriptomics), protein synthesis (proteomics), and small-molecule production (metabolomics) using a variety of techniques such as DNA and protein microarray analysis, RNA sequencing, 2D PAGE, mass spectrometry, and NMR. Comparison of genome sequences can reveal the genetic basis of a disease, the mechanism of pathogenicity of a microbe, or the evolutionary relationships among organisms, while transcript, protein, and metabolite profiles can identify biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment of disease.

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