Anthony Kelly

Crystallography and Crystal Defects

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stereogram. Thus, for example, the position of the 001 pole is fixed knowing that it lies in the [100] zone, which has to make an angle of β with the primitive, and that 001 is a given angle from 010, determined for example using Eq. (A3.18). Likewise, the position of a pole 0kl lying in the [100] zone can be determined, as can the positions of the poles 100, h0l, hk0 and hkl.

      While stereographic projections can now be produced routinely via proprietary software packages, it is still instructive to consider further aspects of the geometry of the part of the triclinic stereogram shown in Figure 2.21a in order to gain a full appreciation of the richness of information displayed on stereograms. An (hkl) plane of a triclinic crystal is shown in Figure 2.21b. The six angles φ1φ6 in Figure 2.21b are the same as those marked in Figure 2.21a.

      Thus, for example, φ1 in Figure 2.21b is an angle lying in the (001) plane. It is the angle between the y‐axis and the vector [imagesh0] common to (hkl) and (001); that is, the angle between the zone containing (001), (h0l) and (100) and the zone containing (001), (hkl) and (hk0). We can therefore mark φ1 on the stereogram. Similarly, φ5 in Figure 2.21b is an angle lying in the (100) plane. It is the angle between the z‐axis and the vector [0imagesk] common to (hkl) and (100); that is, the angle between the zone containing (100), (hk0) and (010) and the zone containing (100), (hkl) and (0kl). φ5 can therefore also be marked on the stereogram. Proceeding in this way, we can identify all of the angles φ1φ6. We have, from the geometry in Figure 2.21b:


      Furthermore, from the triangle on the (001) face in Figure 2.21b we have, using the sine rule:



      and similarly:




      As an aside, we note that the equations in Eq. (2.12) are also of use in finding axial ratios and axial angles from measured angles between planes on single crystal specimens of crystals belonging to the triclinic crystal system; such crystals tend to be minerals or organic materials, rather than metals, the crystal structures of which rarely tend to belong to either the monoclinic or the triclinic systems.

System Class Laue group
Cubic 432, images3m, images 23, images images images
Hexagonal 622, 6mm, imagesm2, 6/mmm 6, images, 6/m 6/mmm 6/m
Tetragonal 422, 4mm, imagesm2, 4/mmm 4, images, 4/m 4/mmm 4/m
Trigonal 32, 3m, images 3, images