Max Shaldon
© Max Shaldon, 2020
ISBN 978-5-0051-9442-8
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Far-far away in the ocean, at the bottom, sea animals live. They live in their small seaside town, which is called Rainbow Reef. The name of this got out of multi-colored corals, which surround the town from all sides. These corals are so beautiful, it seems, as if the town stands in the middle of the rainbow.
The Rainbow Reef fill by different animals: Grandfather Whale is very big in all the Rainbow Reef, yes, and, perhaps, in the entire ocean! Grandfather Whale is very old, he all the time forgets where floats and does not love, when someone or something close to them like hooligans or naughty children. He lives in this seaside town and Aunt Flounder, which is always careful to all around and really experienced for all of its neighbours. Aunt Flounder is so flat, that it is possible to hide, like a blanket! She can swim in the most narrow gap between the stones and rocks, which only are in the ocean!
Many different animals live in Rainbow Reef, but today the story will be about Grandma Turtle and not only about her. Grandmother Turtle was very ancient, she has already lived as many years as 300 years! She was the wisest in the whole sea town and knew everything – everything in the world. The old woman had a heavy and strong armor, which protected her from trouble, but it could hide in it, therefore, still in adolescence, she has built itself amongst colorful coral a small cozy house. In this house, there were a small kitchen with a closet, in which a few dishes, forks and spoons, a couple of cups, and even the bottles. There was also a small bedroom in Grandma Turtle’s house, in which there was nothing more than a bed and a chest of drawers. But the turtle was the modest grandmother.
Once, Grandma Turtle was sunbathing near her house in the sun. It is located conveniently in a deck chair, she took off her glasses to view, put them on the table and put on another sunglasses. Grandmother Turtle closed her eyes and began to dream. Yes, so she fell asleep. At this time, the kids were returning from school. They sailed in a merry crowd, happily talking, joking and laughing. Someone ran, some then hopped, another then tumbled. But look, who is it louder of all? Yes, there are our brothers-bullies, two dolphin-twins, who like to make a mess, and for this all the time fell into various unpleasant situations. When the kids swam past the house of Grandmother Turtle, a little fish – clown on behalf Spark said: – Guys, Granny Turtle is asleep, let’s quietly sailing past her house, so it does not wake up and do not scare.
All the guys stopped making noise and, in respect to the very old and the very clever resident of the town, sailed very quiet. And my friends – bullies, on behalf of Bip and Bop, how something suspiciously maliciously giggled, but nothing said. When all sailed past the sleeping turtle, my friends – bullies returned back. They were very pleased, lying on the table glasses to view. They quietly swam to the table and took glasses without asking. When they sailed quite far away, so that they did not hear, Bip wore glasses currently on the nose and began to copy Grandmother Turtle:
– Here, look, what I look like an old granny, – said he. And the second brother has just giggled.
– Grandmother, tell me, how old are you?
– I’m a such old woman, that I am five hundred thousand years! – and they laughed again. Then Bop snatched the glasses from his brother – twins and put them, saying: – And I am Grandpa Whale, I’m so old, that even do not remember how old I am! Oh, it seems, I forgot who was sailing next! – Bop copied the behavior of old man. Dolphins laughed loudly again, really liked this game.
What time they still dabbled with glasses, alternately selecting them one from another, and copied the Grandmother Turtle.
They were so carried away with the game, they began to snatch each other, shouting: “Now is my turn!”. So long, and began to fight between each otherand forget to bring glasses back. Probably, my friends forgot, that with a strange thing, but more taken something without a demand, you need to be very careful, so more with such a thing, as the glasses. In desire to play with someone else’s thing Bip and Bop so provoke, that began to push and bite each other and dealing all, still came to fight. And what do you think, friends? And as it turned out in conclusion, they broke the glasses!
– What have you done? – shouted Bip, who was at three minutes older than his brother, – you broke the glasses!
– It’s not me, it’s you started to take glasses on and broke them, – he shouted in response on Bop.
– And you did not give me, now it was my turn! – And the brothers again began to quarrel, but so loud, that Grandmother Turtle awoke.
– Who’s here? – asked the old woman in the shell, – who makes such noise? Who is it that prevents me from resting and enjoying life right next to my house?
Brothers bully were scared. They quietly tossed her broken glasses. “While Grandmother Turtle off the sunglasses they ran away and she could not know, who broke her glasses to view”. The Grandmother Turtle withdrew her sunglasses, put them on the table and began to fumble her paw on the table in searching of glasses of view.
But as she did not try them to find, it has nothing happened.
It should be noted, that the turtle without glasses is very – very badly seen, because that was very – very old. Therefore, her glasses were large, the lenses in the glasses were very thick, and only with the help of these thick lenses she could see more or less clearly.
– O, my God, where are my glasses? – screamed Granny Turtle, – because without them I am even not able to find the door to my house, because I even do not understand in any side, this door or not into my house. What to do? Grandma Turtle was very upset and began to groan excitedly: “Oh, what to do? Oh, what will be, what will be? How will I get home?” The old woman decided, that her glasses fell down of the table, so she slowly got up from the lounge chair and began fumbling paws on the sea bottom.
On her happiness at this time Spark sailed. Remember, this is a clown fish, one of the brightest and most beautiful fish in the whole town. He was a bright orange color, with broad white stripes on the sides, crossing all of his body from the top down. These white stripes were framed on either side with a thick black border and stood out very impressively against its shiny orange sides. Spark returned to the gaming area home, when he heard the breath and lamentations of Grandmother Turtle and decided any way to help her.
After all, clown fish was famous for their friendliness and responsibility. They are always ready to come to help all, who in needs.
– Hello, Grandma Turtle, – said Spark.
– Who is here? I don’t recognize you without glasses, – the old woman gasped.
– It is me Spark? The little helper said.
– Oh, baby, I, it seems, dropped my glasses and now can’t find them. And without glasses I can’t see anything at all.
– Nothing-nothing? – Spark was surprised.
– Nothing-nothing, the old woman croaked desperately.
– Don’t worry, Grandma! I ‘ll try to find them now, – said the kid and began to search. The first thing he looked under the table in the lounge chairs, but there were not the glasses. Spark circled around the Turtle’s house, he looked outside and inside, but there were nothing. “It may be, I look at the colors, that Grandmother Turtle landed themselves near the porch, thought the boy, and went back to the lodge. And what did he see there? Exactly, here were the glasses. So, wait, they are broken! What? What to do?
– Grandma Turtle! – cried Spark, then whether from joy, that found the glasses, then if by grief, that they are broken, – I found your glasses!
– Bring them soon here, my friend, I can’t see without them nothing, -said a happy turtle.
– Your glasses, I regret, are broken, have them come off the bow, and