Stories from Trakaul
Javier Salazar Calle
Translated by Nicoleta Nagy
Cover Design © Marta Fernández García
Illustrations @Elena Caro Puebla
Photo of the author © Ignacio Insua
Translator: Nicoleta Nagy
Original title: Sumalee. Stories from Trakaul
© 2020 - Javier Salazar Calle
1st Edition (Revised)
Follow the author:
Website: https://www.javiersalazarcalle.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jsalazarcalle
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LinkedIn: https://es.linkedin.com/in/javiersalazarcalle
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/javiersalazarcalle
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Dedicated to Rachel, the best friend one could have.
Antonio Fernández for contributing his extensive knowledge of Singapore and for reviewing the book, Josele González for the fantastic web page he made for me (www.javiersalazarcalle.com) and to all my other readers which made the book a lot better: my wife, Elena Caro; my sister, Pilar Salazar and my father, Jose Antonio.