Michael Murray

Health Psychology

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Health Psychology

      Health Psychology

      Theory, Research and Practice

      6th edition

       David F. Marks

       Michael Murray

       Emee Vida Estacio

SAGE imprint

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      © David F Marks, Michael Murray and Emee Vida Estacio 2021

      First edition published 1999; reprinted 2002, 2003.

      Second edition published 2005; reprinted 2008, 2009, 2010.

      Third edition published 2010; reprinted 2011, 2013, 2014.

      Fourth edition published 2015; reprinted 2016, 2017.

      Fifth edition, published 2018; reprinted 2018 (twice), 2019 (three times).

      This, sixth edition, published 2021.

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       Library of Congress Control Number: 2020935695

       British Library Cataloguing in Publication data

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      ISBN 978-1-5297-2308-3

      ISBN 978-1-5297-2307-6 (pbk)

      Editor: Donna Goddard

      Editorial assistant: Marc Barnard

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      Author Biographies

      DAVID F. MARKS was born in Petersfield, England and lives in Provence, France. David graduated from the University of Reading and completed his PhD in mathematical psychology at the University of Sheffield. He held positions at the University of Otago, New Zealand and at University College London. He served as Head of the School of Psychology at Middlesex Polytechnic, and as Head of the Department of Psychology at City, University of London, UK. As a Visiting Professor, he carried out research in the Department of Neurosurgery at Hamamatsu School of Medicine and at the Department of Psychology, Kyushu University, Japan, at the Universities of Oregon and Washington, USA, and taught at the Universities of Cambridge, UK, and Tromsø, Norway. In addition to five previous editions of this book, David has published 25 books including: The Psychology of the Psychic (1980, with R. Kammann), Theories of Image Formation (1986), Imagery: Current Developments (1990, with J.T.E. Richardson and P. Hampson), The Quit For Life Programme: An Easier Way to Stop Smoking and Not Start Again (1993), Improving the Health of the Nation (1996, with C. Francome), Dealing with Dementia: Recent European Research (2000, with C.M. Sykes), The Psychology of the Psychic (revised edition, 2000), The Health Psychology Reader (2002), Research Methods for Clinical and Health Psychology (2004, with L. Yardley), Overcoming Your Smoking Habit (2005), Obesity: Comfort vs. Discontent (2016), Stop Smoking Now (2017), A General Theory of Behaviour (2018) and Psychology and the Paranormal: Exploring Anomalous Experience (2020). David served as Chair of the British Psychological Society’s Health Psychology Section and Special Group in Health Psychology and as Convenor of the European Task Force on Health Psychology when he was instrumental in establishing the first postgraduate health psychology training programmes at Master’s and Doctoral levels in the UK. With Michael Murray, David is a founding member of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology. He is the founder and Editor of the Journal of Health Psychology and founder of Health Psychology Open. David is a specialist in theories, methods and psychometrics.MICHAEL MURRAY is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Keele University, UK, where he was Head of the School of Psychology. Previously, he was Professor of Social and Health Psychology at Memorial University, Canada, and held positions at St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, London, UK and at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland. He has published many books, chapters, journal articles and reports on various issues in social and health psychology. His previous books include Smoking Among Young Adults (1988, with L. Jarrett, A.V. Swan and R. Rumen), Qualitative Health Psychology: Theories and Methods (1999, with K. Chamberlain) and Critical Health Psychology (2004, 2015). He also edited with Kerry Chamberlain the collection New Directions in Health Psychology (Vols 1–5) (2015) and with Liz Peel and Carol Holland Psychologies of Ageing: Theory, Research and Practice (2018). Michael has been Associate Editor of the Journal of Health Psychology and of Psychology and Health and an editorial board member of Health Psychology Open, Health Psychology Review, Psychology, Health and Medicine and Arts and Health. He was Chair of the Health Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association for which he edited Canadian Health Psychologist/Psychologue Canadien de la Santé and a founding member of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Canadian Psychological Association and the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2017 he was elected an Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society. His current research interests include the use of participatory and arts-based methods to promote social engagement among older people.EMEE VIDA ESTACIO is a chartered psychologist, author, speaker, and life transformation and health promotion specialist. Originally from the Philippines, she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (magna cum laude) from the University of the Philippines, Diliman and her MSc and PhD in Health Psychology at City University London. She previously held positions at the University of East London and Keele University. Emee specialises in health promotion and community development and has facilitated action research projects in some of the