that students learn
Table 3.2: How Roger E. Kirk Demonstrated the Common Qualities of Master Teachers
Quality | Example Behaviors from Kirk |
Passionate about content area | Animation when discussing class topics; provided many anecdotes related to the content |
Proactively improves teaching | Deliberate and purposive approach to designing his course |
Deep understanding of content area | Recognized by his peers as an expert in the field of quantitative methods |
Develops rapport/is approachable | Uses humor; spontaneous dance breaks; planned conversations with students before class; receptive body language |
Cares that students learn | Made it safe to ask questions; made himself available to students to answer questions; patience; frequently reviewed material |
Organized | Detailed syllabus and logical organized of material (for example syllabus, see Kirk, 2008) |
Rigorous/intellectually stimulating | Rigorous approach to material; overtly high student expectations; provided multiple examples and content-related anecdotes |
Note: Qualities taken from Table 3.1. |
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