Brian N. Tebbutt

Pastor John

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John and what it can mean to them;

       ministers, clergy, and lay people who care about both biblical reading and pastoral care;

       those who need material to help reading and interpreting John, and

       who wish also to extend development in pastoral care based on biblical insight;

       those who, in a Christian context, teach pastoral depth and need it in themselves, and are willing to value a psychodynamic approach to both text and person.

      The book is intended both for the general user, and also for those who already know John well. But we start where we start. One member of a teaching class asked, “Who is this person Frayudd that everyone is writing about?” That is how she pronounced Freud! We all start where we are! The chapters provide a mixture of simple and more advanced material, so that readers and group members can take what they can out of each section.

      So two themes surface, exegesis and pastoral insight, and they are not to be separated, but run together. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither stands alone from the other. Brave biblical interpretation and brave personal interrogation coalesce. My experience over very many years in varied church situations is that this approach deepens the fellowship, the koinonia, of the church substantially. Not only are skills of interpretation learned, but with them are also learned skills of self-awareness, of care for each other, and of group work. These constitute a solid foundation for the continuance of church life.

      It is the word “psychodynamic” that unites the process. It, and the critical approach advocated, are explained in two rather lengthy introductions. They outline the possibilities of the methods suggested. They are essential because some readers will not be acquainted with a reader response approach, and some readers will not be acquainted with a psychodynamic approach to the “living text” of our lives. The content can be “drip fed” as the groups progress, at points of relevance. The chapter numbers correspond to the Gospel chapters. My experience is that many in church (and emphatically not just the academically minded) rejoice in acquaintance with literary theory, the text of John read afresh, and the newness of sharing experience and mutual care. We should never dumb down content or method. We can all be stretched.

      The thematic focus throughout is answering the question, “How does Jesus give himself to us?”

      One impossibility is to embrace the vast expanding universe of scholarship that represents John to us. I have tried to let notes in each chapter point to avenues of thought leading to fascinating worlds. They are as signposts only, in an attempt to convey the excitement of travel in Johannine space. The same applies to the other discipline of psychodynamic studies. How hard to do justice to either. The aim has also been to highlight language that enhances the affect, the feel of the text, so that it may permissibly be aligned with our own affect, our feeling.

      We need therefore to be aware of the nature of the material we read.

      It is helpful, if one can, to make some sort of contact with the Greek, familiar to some and strange to others. One needs to be alert to John’s repeatedly used nuanced words, sometimes only visible, or rather audible, in the Greek, and I have tried to signify them in italics—a clumsy device, but it highlights John’s use of words for sequence and impact of thought. John’s language has a rich teasing quality. To understand it a little helps to facilitate overcoming the difficulty of the way John combines theological statement with a sequential narrative.

      Then also we need to embrace ourselves, and our own reactions to the text. We were once studying the story of the man in chapter 5 who had been ill for thirty-eight years. One member of the group, who died a year or two after my writing this, sitting in his wheelchair, said, “Perhaps he was tired!” Many have been kind and patient and brave enough to make this journey with me, and the contribution of their thought and words, and of themselves, has been a perpetual grace.

      It will be essential to have the Gospel of John in one hand whilst reading, and to continually refer to the passages in John in order to make the fullest sense of what is written.

      The chapters represent workshops. The content of each is meant to be used selectively. There is vastly more in each chapter than could be used even in a whole day’s workshop, let alone in a couple of hours’ session! Take your pick! The aim is to convey knowledge of John, the excitement of John, the pleasure of sharing, and personal growth with the reassuring sense of the presence of Christ.

      1. Cox, Structuring the Therapeutic Process, 152.