J. A. Rogers

Sex and Race, Volume 3

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      5 See No. 3.

      6a Report Inter. Congress of Eugenics, London, 1912, p. 155.

      6b Eugenics Record, Bull. Eugenics Record Office, 1913.

      7 Why We Behave Like Human Beings, p. 44. 1926.

      8 Heredity and Human Affairs, pp. 199-200. 1927.

      9 Racial Basis of Civilization, pp. ix, 330, 347. 1926.

      10 Eugenics in Race and State Report. Sec. Inter. Cong. of Eugenics, Vol. II, p. 187.

      11 See No. 3.

      12 See No. 3.

      13 Builders of America, p. 82. 1927.

      14 Biological Basis of Human Nature, p. 278. 1930.

      15 See No. 3.

      16 Crisis Maga., Dec. 1914.

      17 See No. 3.

      18 See No. 3.

      19 The Negro: A Menace to American Civilization, pp. 99-130.

      20 The Color Line, p. 7. 1905.

      21 Interracial Papers (G. Spiller), p. 333. 1911.

      22 Interracial Papers (G. Spiller, p. 380. 1911.)

      23 Menace of Color, p. 89. 1925.

      24 South African Assn. for the Advanc. of Science Jour., Vol. 23, pp. 410-11. 1925.

      25 Race Differences, p. 219. 1935.

      26 Partner of Nature, p. 117-18. 1929.

      27 Man’s Most Langerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, pp. 97-99. 1942.

      28a For the source of this as well as a French symposium on race-mixing see: Sex and Race, Vol. 1, p. 231. 1941.

      28 Revue gén. de sciences pures, etc., Vol. 16, p. 891. 1906.

      29 Dangerous Thoughts, p. 48. 1940.

       Chapter Four


       “Politicians think that by stopping up the chimney they can stop it from smoking. They try the experiment; they drive the smoke back and there is more smoke than ever.” Borne.

      ABRAHAM LINCOLN: “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people at the idea of an indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races, and Judge Douglas evidently is basing his chief hope upon the chances of his being able to appropriate the benefit of the disgust for himself …

      “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to intermarry with white people and I wish to say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which, I believe, will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of political and social equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live while they remain together there must be the position of superior and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”2

      Senator Thomas J. Heflin of Alabama on the marriage of Phil Edwards, Negro athlete, to a white girl: “The far-reaching harm and danger of marriage between whites and Negroes to the great white race that God intended should rule the world is apparent to all intelligent students of history; such mixtures have always resulted in weakening, degrading, and dragging down the superior to the level of the inferior race. God had a purpose in making four separate and distinct races. The white, the red, the yellow, the black. God intended that each of the four races should preserve its blood free from mixture with other races and preserve race integrity and prove itself true to the purpose that God had in mind fo reach of them when he brought them into being.

      “The great white race is the climax and crowning glory of God’s creation. God in His Infinite wisdom has clothed the white man with the elements and the fitness of dominion and rulership, and the history of the human race shows that wherever he has planted his foot and unfurled the flag of his authority he has continued to rule. No true member of the great white race in America is going to approve of or permit, if he can prevent it, the marriage between whites and Negroes.

      “The desire and purpose on the part of the great white race in America to keep its blood strain pure and to prevent marriage between whites and Negroes can better be designed as ‘the call of the blood.’ It has come down to us through the centuries. White women rather than become the wives of black men, whenever the issue was presented, fought and died, if necessary to remain true ‘to the call of the blood.’ “3

      Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi on the marriage of Mary B. Dawes, relative of Vice-President Dawes, to Julian D. Steele, Harvard graduate and a Negro, “She appears to be sustained in her mad insane determination to mingle blood impregnated with the highest genetic values of the Caucasian with the blood of an African whose racial strains have dwelt for six thousand years or more in the jungles of a continent.” He pictures Mary Dawes as “entwining her arms around the frightful product of barbarism she envisions and presses tenderly and sympathetically the black burry head of the Ethiopian upon a bosom white and stainless as the snow.”4a

      “Scientific research has successfully established three propositions beyond all controversy.

      “First, the white race has founded, developed and maintained every civilization known to the human race.

      “Second, the white race, having founded, developed and maintained a civilization has never been known in all history to lose that civilization so long as the race was kept white.

      “Third, the white man has never kept unimpaired the civilisation he has founded and developed after its blood stream has been adulterated by the blood stream of another, more especially another race, so widely diverse as the black race.”4b

      Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm II: “The laws concerning the hygiene of races are fundamental. They must be obeyed or else the human species will destroy itself. Races of different colors must never mix because they are fundamentally different and each race is governed by its own law of growth. I observe with dismay in France the decline of feeling that it is the imperious duty of the white race to avoid miscegenation.”5

      Mussolini, warning Americans to oppose race-mixing said that if this was not done, “We shall encounter an Africanized America in which the white race by the inexorable law of numbers will end by being suffocated by the fertile grandsons of Uncle Tom … Are we to see within a century a Negro in the White House?”6

      On February 8, 1934, Hein Schroeder, Nazi eugenic authority, demanded the immediate sterilization of all children in Germany that had been born of German mothers and Senegalese fathers during the French occupation of the Rhineland.

      1 The number of quotations in this chapter are limited to a few since because though they abound in the Congressional Record and in Nazi writings they are all based on unquestioned belief and sound very much alike.

      2 Speeches and Letters of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 231, 369. 1920. Nicolay and Hay, 2 vols. This is a very favorite quotation by Southern politicians, and appears often in the Congressional Record. It is also much used by anti-Negro writers as Dixon, Pickett, Shufeldt.

      3 Congressional Record, Feb. 6, 1930.

      4a Congressional Record, May 24, 1938. Also several dates in June, 1944.

      4b Ibid, April 24, 1939, p. 4654. Bilbo flays the “miscegenationists” and uses Thomas Jefferson to support his arguments. Jefferson, however, not only declared that race-mixing appeared to be a “great provision made by nature,” but practiced it much himself. Jefferson’s statement quoted in Sex and Race, Vol. 2, p. 186.

      5 From an interview given to George Sylvester Viereck at Doorn, Holland in 1928. (Viereck had asked the ex-Kaiser what he thought about the