
CANDIDE (Illustrated Edition)

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      (Illustrated Edition)

      Including Biography of the Author and Analysis of His Works

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-7583-597-0

      Table of Contents




       Table of Contents

       PART I.

       Chapter I. How Candide was brought up in a magnificent castle and how he was driven thence.

       Chapter II. What befell Candide among the Bulgarians.

       Chapter III. How Candide escaped from the Bulgarians, and what befell him afterwards.

       Chapter IV. How Candide found his old master Pangloss again and what happened to him.

       Chapter V. A tempest, a shipwreck, an earthquake; and what else befell Dr. Pangloss, Candide, and James the Anabaptist.

       Chapter VI. How the Portuguese made a superb auto-da-fé to prevent any future earthquakes, and how Candide underwent public flagellation.

       Chapter VII. How the old woman took care of Candide, and how he found the object of his love.

       Chapter VIII. Cunegund’s story.

       Chapter IX. What happened to Cunegund, Candide, the Grand Inquisitor, and the Jew.

       Chapter X. in what distress Candide, Cunegund, and the old woman arrive at Cadiz; and of their embarkation.

       Chapter XI. the history of the old woman.

       Chapter XII. the adventures of the old woman continued.

       Chapter XIII. how Candide was obliged to leave the fair Cunegund and the old woman.

       Chapter XIV. the reception Candide and cacambo met with among the jesuits in paraguay.

       Chapter XV. how Candide killed the brother of his dear Cunegund.

       Chapter XVI. what happened to our two travellers with two girls, two monkeys, and the savages, called oreillons.

       Chapter XVII. Candide and his valet arrive in the country of el dorado — what they saw there.

       Chapter XVIII. what they saw in the country of el dorado.

       Chapter XIX. what happened to them at Surinam, and how Candide became acquainted with Martin.

       Chapter XX. what befell Candide and Martin on their passage.

       Chapter XXI. Candide and Martin, while thus reasoning with each other, draw near to the coast of France.

       Chapter XXII. What happened to Candide and Martin in france.

       Chapter XXIII. Candide and Martin touch upon the english coast — what they see there.

       Chapter XXIV. Of Pacquette and Friar Giroflée.

       Chapter XXV. Candide and Martin pay a visit to seignor pococuranté, a noble venetian.

       Chapter XXVI. Candide and Martin sup with six sharpers — who they were.

       Chapter XXVII. Candide’s voyage to constantinople.

       Chapter XXVIII. What befell Candide, Cunegund, Pangloss, Martin, etc.

       Chapter XXIX. In what manner Candide found Miss Cunegund and the old woman again.

       Chapter XXX. Conclusion.

       PART II.

       Chapter I. How Candide quitted his companions, and what happened to him.

       Chapter II. What befell Candide in this house — how he got out of it.

       Chapter III. Candide’s reception at court and what followed.

       Chapter IV. Fresh favors conferred on Candide; his great advancement.