Andrew Farago

The Complete Peanuts Family Album

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      Andrew Farago

      Foreword by

      Berkeley Breathed

      Preface by

      Bob Peterson

      The Ultimate Guide to Charles M. Schulz’s Classic Characters



      For Aunt Beth. —Andrew Farago


      FOREWORD 8

      PREFACE 11


      Charlie Brown 27

      The Eternal Optimist 30

      The Baseball Manager 34

      The Boy and His Dog 36

      The Lovable Loser 38

      You’re a Good Man,

      Charlie Brown


      Valentine’s Day


      Patty 45

      Shermy 46

      Violet 51

      Charlotte Braun 55

      Charlie Brown’s

      Pen(cil)-Pal 56

      The Little Red-Haired Girl 57

      Emily 58

      The Neighborhood Wall


      The Kite-Eating Tree 63

      The Pitcher’s Mound 64

      Charlie Brown’s Glove 64

      Joe Shlabotnik 65

      The Goose Eggs 66

      Royanne Hobbs 67

      Summer Days


      Mr. Sack 70

      Roy 72

      Peggy Jean 73

      Cormac 74

      Ethan 75

      Schroeder 77

      Schroeder’s Piano


      Lucy Van Pelt 83

      The Fussbudget 86

      The Queen Bee 88

      Lucy’s Psychiatric Booth


      Linus Van Pelt 93

      Linus’s Security Blanket


      The Philosopher 98

      The Great Pumpkin


      5, 3 & 4 104

      Lydia 108

      Truffles 109

      Tapioca Pudding 110

      Miss Othmar 111



      Pig-Pen 114

      Sally Brown 121

      The Little Sister 124

      The School 128

      Eudora 129

      Larry 130

      Harold Angel 131

      Christmas Day


      Frieda & Faron 137

      Peppermint Patty 141

      The All-Star Athlete 142

      The Hapless Student 144

      José Peterson 148

      Clara, Shirley,

      & Sophie 149

      Thibault 150

      The Caddymaster 152

       : Spot art from strip – CSCA |  : Original drawing by Charles M. Schulz |  : Spot art from strip – Charles M. Schulz | 

      –: Peanuts, Issue #15, Boom! Studios cover, 2014 – CSCA | : Character lineup model sheet – CSCA | : Style Guide art – CSCA