Oli Mould

Seven Ethics Against Capitalism

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tion id="u165b8ff0-1dec-533a-a376-1f1815514716">


      1  Cover

      2  Endorsement

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Acknowledgements

      6  Introduction The commons A history of the commons The planetary commons Ethics The Covid event Organizing towards a planetary commons Notes

      7  Ethic 1: Mutualism A history of self-interest Neoliberalism Mutualism The science of we Philosophical connections Notes

      8  Ethic 2: Transmaterialism Veganism Right to repair Eco-squats Notes

      9  Ethic 3: Minoritarianism Becoming minor(itarian) Intersectionality Staying minor Minoritarianism Notes

      10  Ethic 4: Decodification Codification: a philosophy of numbers The quantified self Bodily decodification Urban decodification Planetary decodification Notes

      11  Ethic 5: Slowness Happiness Slow media Slow fashion The power of the present Notes

      12  Ethic 6: Failure Mind the gap Queering success Failure loves company The failed state Notes

      13  Ethic 7: Love Notes

      14  Conclusion: The State of the Commons — Happy New Year! — An ethical summary Notes

      15  Index

      16  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Endorsement

      4  Title Page

      5  Copyright

      6  Acknowledgments

      7  Introduction

      8  Begin Reading

      9  Conclusion: The State of the Commons

      10  Index

      11  End User License Agreement


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