Mark A. Stebnicki

Counseling Practice During Phases of a Pandemic Virus

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication Page

      5  Acknowledgments

      6  About the Author

      7  Introduction At War With a Pandemic Virus Will There Be an End to the Coronavirus Pandemic? A Pandemic Virus and a Mental Health Crisis The New Anthem for Counseling Practice During a Pandemic Virus Foundational Principles of a Pandemic Virus

      8  Chapter 1: Theoretical Aspects of Risk and Resiliency During a Pandemic Virus Shortcomings in Theories of Pandemic Disaster Mental Health Response Coping, Risk, and Resiliency as They Apply to the PRRC Theoretical Model Mental, Behavioral, Psychosocial, Medical/Physical Health as They Apply to the PRRC Theoretical Model Theoretical Assumptions of the PRRC Model Concluding Remarks

      9  Chapter 2: The Pandemic Risk and Resiliency Continuum Theoretical Model The PRRC Model: Resiliency The PRRC Model: Risk Concluding Remarks

      10  Chapter 3: What Is Healthy-Normal and Unhealthy-Abnormal Mental Health Functioning During a Pandemic Virus? The Perception and Experience of Trauma: An Illustration From Military Culture Healthy-Normal and Unhealthy-Abnormal Mental Health: Getting Back to Balance The New Anthem for Mental Health: What Is Healthy and Unhealthy? Evaluating Normal-Healthy and Abnormal-Unhealthy Factors Concluding Remarks

      11  Chapter 4: The Medical Aspects of a Pandemic Virus COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases Health Disparities Among African Americans and Other Minorities Concluding Remarks

      12  Chapter 5: The Psychosocial Aspects of a Pandemic Virus Psychosocial Aspects of Surviving a Pandemic Social Stigma and a Pandemic Virus Mind-Body Connections in Immune Functioning Building a Resilient Immune System Losses Associated With a Pandemic Virus The Impact of COVID-19 on Occupations and Careers Building Career Resiliency Throughout the Phases of a Pandemic Personal Life Story: Pandemic Perspectives Concluding Remarks

      13  Chapter 6: Fear and Anxiety: Predominant Emotions During a Pandemic Virus The Mind-Body Connection in Fear and Anxiety Clinical Aspects of Fear and Anxiety The Experience of Fear and Anxiety in a Pandemic Virus Concluding Remarks

      14  Chapter 7: Mental Health Aspects of a Pandemic Virus The Event Horizon: Americans on the Brink of Disaster Reexamining Mental Health Issues During the COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster The Psychological Effects of Quarantine and Social Isolation Healing at a Distance and During the COVID Pandemic Mental Health Tipping Points During a Pandemic Virus Adaptation and Adjustment: Stages of a Pandemic Virus Concluding Remarks

      15  Chapter 8: Disaster Mental Health Counseling During Phases of a Pandemic Virus: The Phases of Pandemic Rehabilitation Model Mental Health Preparedness During Phases of a Pandemic Virus Unchartered Waters in Public Health Transitioning Through Phases of a Pandemic Virus: The PPR Model The PPR Model Concluding Remarks

      16  Chapter