Lori Renda-Francis

Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant

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side ling‐ tongue mamm‐ mammary gland nas‐ nose ocul‐ eye odont‐ tooth or teeth onych‐ nail or claw or‐ mouth stomat‐ mouth pil‐ hair pod‐ foot rhin‐ nose thorac‐ chest or thorax ventr‐ belly or underside

      Internal anatomy

arthr‐ joint
balan‐ penis
bronch‐ bronchus
cardi‐ heart
cost‐ rib
cyst‐ bladder
enter‐ intestine
gastr‐ stomach
hepat‐ liver
hyster‐ uterus
laryng‐ larynx
metr‐ uterus
myo‐ muscle
nephr‐ kidney
neur‐ nerve, nervous system
oophor‐ ovary
orchi‐ testes
oss‐ bone
ovari‐ ovary
phleb‐ veins
phren‐ diaphragm
pneum‐ lungs
proct‐ rectum or anus
pulm‐ lungs
ren‐ kidney
splen‐ spleen
stern‐ sternum
thym‐ thymus gland
thyr‐ thyroid gland
trache‐ trachea
urethr‐ urethra
vas‐ vessel or duct
ven‐ veins

      Below is a list of abbreviations and acronyms commonly used in veterinary practice. Please note that this is not a complete list of all veterinary abbreviations. It is a list of the most common abbreviations that are of interest to the veterinary assistant. It is also important to mention that abbreviations and acronyms will vary among veterinary practices, and you should obtain a list of those commonly used at your workplace. You can also purchase a copy of the Standard Abbreviations for Veterinary Medical Records, 2nd edition, from the AAHA Press. It contains a complete list of standard abbreviations.

AD auris dexter (right ear)
ad lib freely, as wanted
AG anal glands
AL auris sinistra (left ear)
ASAP as soon as possible
AU auris unitas (both ears)
BAR bright, alert, and responsive
BID twice daily
BM bowel movement
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BW body weight
C with
CAP capsule
CBC complete blood count
CNS central nervous system
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CRT capillary refill time
DOA dead on arrival
DSH domestic shorthair
DLH domestic longhair