Aleks Gridin

Handle money like Grown-ups. Financial education for Kids from the Mobiles

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for the further achievements and success. “Give me a lever and I’ll move the Earth”, – Archimedes, the Ancient Greek scientist once said. Ordinarily, only determined people gain success, not afraid to fail or look ridiculous and different in the eyes of others. Those who believe their dreams can be real. You definitely know such people – Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and many others.

      – Coca-Cola’s creation history is a clear example of how one man could fulfill his dream about creating a unique drink, and the other man had pursued his by creating one of the largest companies in the world.

      – How did they manage to do it? – Daniel asked.

      Robby Star started his narration:

      – In the distant year 1886, an American pharmacist John Pemberton dreamt of inventing a multi-purpose medicine from all diseases and becoming famous. However, persistent experiments have finally led to the creation of Coca-cola drink. It was called this way because its main ingredient was the tincture of coca leaves mixed with the extract of tropical cola tree nuts. Coca-Cola has turned out to be a powerful tonic. The problem was, its taste had been quite unpleasant in the beginning, so Pemberton had to work hard, mixing ingredients and updating the formula for multiple times. In the end he succeeded in improving the taste, but unfortunately, John Pemberton wasn’t able to live to the moment when Coca-Cola became popular among the people. Long after his death, a talented entrepreneur Asa Candler had found a Coca-cola manufacturing company, and also registered the trademark. Coca-Cola has been acknowledged the most valuable brand in the world for multiple times. For many years this company has been bringing sufficient income to its shareholders.

      – Cool! I had no idea Coca-Cola had been invented so long ago, more than 130 years already, – Stanislav said surprisingly. – Wish I could have that much success and own a company that huge!

      – Success doesn’t come to you by itself. You are the one walking towards it, – Larry explained. – By the way, the road to success is not always smooth. But you should know, that first of all, you need money and other material possessions to gain more freedom and do more good deeds in benefit of your country and the world as well. Also, one should never forget that money could never replace solid friendship and true love.

      – I suggest stopping here and “going beyond rhetoric”, or rather say, getting down to work, because only with the help of labor one’s dreams can possibly be achieved – Bobby said, interrupting his friend Larry.

      Chapter Two

      Where the mobiles tell us stories of labor and production

      – Labor is human performance in creating the essentials of life, – Bobby explained. – Its most important criteria is called labor capacity. If you work at the candy factory and pack candies, the bigger capacity will belong to those who will pack more candies within the same time period. For example, one hour.

      – And my favorite proverb goes like this: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, – Larry joined in.

      – Things are quite simple on Earth. Those who work for others are called employees, and those who work for themselves are entrepreneurs, – Bobby continued.

      – From the word “enterprise”? – Stanislav asked.

      – Correct, – Larry replied. – Entrepreneurs deal with manufacturing and selling things or providing different services. When you attend personal dance classes or the swimming pool, know that it had all been organized by entrepreneurs who receive tuition fees from your parents.

      Now let’s get back to employees. Employees are people who sign labor contracts and work for others, for example, companies or entrepreneurs. When applying for a job, they take a special paper with them – a resumé. It is written down there where the employee had been studying and working and what he or she is good at.

      – You can have some help in finding a good job with recruitment agencies, such as “HeadHunter”, – Bobby continued.

      – Headhunters? “Bounty hunters”, you mean? – Daniel asked again because he knew English quite well.

      – Right. They were called this way because they seek the qualified employees for the companies and entrepreneurs, “the best minds”, so to say.

      – Father had told me and Stanislav that the employees’ salary depends on what they do, how well they can do it and how difficult it is to replace them, – Daniel said.

      – There are many people able to sweep the streets, but those who can design spaceships are really hard to find. Their job is difficult and demanding with lots of responsibility. It’s not easy to replace them with other employees quickly, so their labor is paid in a much better way, – Stanislav explained.

      – It’s all correct, – Larry confirmed. – And now let’s talk about production. Production is a process of creation of different essentials.

      Production includes three factors. First one – the human factor – is labor. We already know that people with proper knowledge and labor skills are required to start production. Second factor – the means of labor – tools, machines and different equipment. And factor number three – the subject of labor. It is a thing or a combination of things a person can adapt for his own needs. For example, it could be a wooden workpiece processed with the help of a milling machine.

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