order, only to find themselves largely ignored by the convicts, and by the common soldiers and the officer Corps as well.
Under the tutelage, direct and indirect, of Wilberforce, who was a friend of Prime Minister William Pitt and Sir Joseph Banks (a lot more about Banks in Chapter 3), clergymen of Evangelical bent were sent out to the new settlement.
Once in NSW, Reverend Johnson railed against the laxness of the Corps when it came to enforcing piety, and for allowing convicts to throw ‘aside all regard or reverence for the Sabbath Day, and to render all public solemn worship utterly contemptible’. Convicts were paid to work on Sundays. Other convicts were left to pretty much do whatever they wanted.
Ruling with Goodhearted Incompetence: Governor Hunter
The Evangelical reverends in NSW were aghast at the lack of morality in the new colony, and all this righteous anger was reported back to William Wilberforce, who was the chief exponent of the Evangelical movement. The reports soon spread, with the Duke of Portland in Whitehall claiming, ‘Great evils have arisen from the unrestrained importation of spiritous liquors into our said settlement … whereby both the settlers and convicts have been induced to barter and exchange their live stock and other necessary articles for the said spirits to their particular loss and detriment’. In response, the next governor, John Hunter, arrived in NSW in 1795 with clear instructions from the Duke: Clean the place up.
Yet on his arrival in the settlement, Hunter — himself a deeply religious Christian and sympathetic to the Evangelicals — raved about the place. Having been in NSW with Governor Phillip at the beginning of white settlement, he was staggered that so much progress had been made in so little time.
But Hunter was pretty lazy when it came to governing this newly productive colony. During his time as governor, Hunter failed to
Manage the emerging trade and import market in the new colony
Ensure the newly established government store was restocked after initial supplies sold out
Control the distribution of land according to a well thought out plan — or any plan
However, Hunter’s lack of attention to detail actually had some positive effects for the colony.
Ending the trading monopoly game
When the administration of the new colony was in the hands of the NSW Corps, the officers in the Corps set up trading monopolies over all imported goods. On his arrival, Hunter made no attempt to control or manage the emerging trade, and issued no rulings on whether the monopolies should be broken or maintained.
However, failing to control trade actually had the positive effect of allowing the market to open up. The monopoly was broken not by a governor, nor an order issued from London, but by convicts and common soldiers made good — convicts and soldiers put in place, moreover, by the officers themselves.
The rum monopoly was over. Yet no-one had told the powerful men in England that.
A government store with empty shelves
Skyrocketing inflation caused by the officers’ monopoly on imported goods (refer to preceding section) could have been mediated when Hunter established a government store, which provided farmers and others with reasonable prices for essential items ordered in from Britain, such as clothes, spirits, tea, tobacco and sugar.
But once the store ran out of its initial supplies, Hunter neglected to re-stock. Being unable to foresee that you’d need to order regular consignments of merchandise that were being widely used by the mass of the rural population is a telling failure.
Handing out land higgledy-piggledy
Phillip, who didn’t think much of convicts as settlers, had fairly strictly separated the areas where convicts, ex-convicts and free settlers would be given land to settle, and Grose