снялся во многих фильмах, хотя ему еще нет и пяти лет. 13. Мы закончили ужинать, а потом дети убрали со стола. 14. Позвоните мне завтра, и я дам вам ответ. 15. Я буду рад помочь вам, вдобавок, я люблю готовить. 16. Я люблю гулять по пляжу; кроме того, я надеюсь, что когда-нибудь буду жить рядом с океаном. 17. Сентябрь имеет отличительную особенность: это одновременно и начало, и конец. 18. Многие подростки знают о компьютерах больше, чем их родители; действительно, им они часто приходится учить взрослых пользоваться Интернетом. 19. Мой компьютер сломался, так что я потерял все задания к семинару. 20. Изменение климата влечет за собой резкие колебания температуры, и растения часто не выдерживают подобный стресс.
Exercise 10. In the following text about Whitney Houston, turn the sentence pairs into single compound sentences, each with a coordinating conjunction. You can rearrange or add words in the sentence to make it sound better, but only if it's necessary.
As a teenager, Whitney Houston performed as a back-up singer for Chaka Khan. She also had a successful modeling career by the time she was twenty.
As a teenager, Whitney Houston both performed as a back-up singer for Chaka Khan; and she had a successful modeling career.
As a teenager, Whitney Houston performed as a back-up singer for Chaka Khan. She also had a successful modeling career by the time she was twenty. In nineteen eighty three, Clive Davis, the head of Arista records, heard Whitney Houston singing in New York City. He offered her a recording agreement soon after. The album “Whitney Houston” had seven number one hit singles. It remains the biggest-selling first album by any artist. The singer followed that success with another. Her album “Whitney” sold twenty million copies. It also made her the first female artist to enter the Billboard Top Two Hundred at number one. Whitney Houston was clearing a path of recognition for women artists. However, her next professional move was her most important. She recorded the soundtrack for and starred in “The Bodyguard,” in nineteen ninety-two. Kevin Costner played opposite White Houston in the movie. It is the story of a relationship between a pop music star and a former secret service agent who protects her. The movie was a big hit, making more than four hundred million dollars in ticket sales worldwide. But the film’s popularity did not even come close to the success of the album that went with it. “The Bodyguard” is the fourth highest selling album of all time. Forty-four million copies have been sold. Among the singles is “I Will Always Love You,” a song written and recorded earlier by Dolly Parton. Whitney Houston’s version sold many more copies. In nineteen ninety-two, Whitney Houston’s personal life also grew. She married singer Bobby Brown, of the band New Edition. The marriage surprised many people both in and outside the music industry. Bobby Brown was considered an industry “bad boy.” Meanwhile Whitney Houston had an innocence that led to her nickname the “prom queen of soul.” She and Bobby Brown had a daughter, Bobbi Kristina, in nineteen ninety-three. In the late nineteen nineties, Whitney Houston’s professional behavior began to come under question. She began to cancel shows and was late for important events. Her appearance changed; she lost weight and looked unhealthy. Her voice also was suffering. Many reports said she was abusing drugs and alcohol.
Exercise 11. Also, try writing your own compound sentences using different coordinating conjunctions. For additional practice, use new vocabulary from a recent class.
Exercise 12. Tell what you like and dislike most of all, using ten simple sentences. Tell the same story, using ten compound sentences.
Complex Sentence
1. A complex sentence is a sentence composed of at least one main clause and one subordinate clause (that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence). A complex sentence is often used to make clear which ideas are most important, and which ideas are dependent.
The people slipped into dejection under the seemingly endless rain that pelted down day after day.
a) The people slipped into dejection under the seemingly endless rain (main idea); b) that pelted down day after day (subordinate idea).
2. The subordinate clauses function grammatically as subject, object, predicative, attribute or adverbial modifier in a main clause. Accordingly, there are five types of subordinate clauses: the subject clause, the predicative clause, the attributive clause, the object clause, and several types of adverbial clauses.
It is obligatory that we finish this assignment before class ends (the subject clause).
A law of physics is that energy in any system cannot be created or destroyed (the predicative clause).
Artificial intelligence is concerned with designing computer systems that perform such tasks as learning new skills (the attributive clause).
Robert Merton studied how society influences the development of science (the object clause).
Because the world is getting warmer, polar bears are in danger of becoming extinct (the adverbial clause).
3. Complex sentences can contain two or more subordinate clauses, besides the principal clause:
I knew a man, who believed that, if a man were permitted to make the ballads, he shouldn’t care who made the laws of the nation.
a) I knew a man (the principal clause); b) who believed (the attributive clause); c) if a man were admitted to make the ballads (the adverbial clause); d) that he shouldn’t care (the object clause); e) who made the laws of the nation (the object clause).
A subordinate clause may follow, precede or interrupt the principal clause:
Each bowler rolls the ball twice in each frame, unless a strike is bowled.
Before Richard Bennett accepted the appointment as the prime minister of Canada in 1930, he had achieved success as a lawyer.
William Hazlitt's essays, which were written in vigorous and informal style, appeared between 1821 and 1822.
Complex sentences are connected:
a) by means of conjunctions and connectives: that, whether, after, as, because, in order that, since, so that, although, whereas, while, even if, if, in case, provided that, unless, before, once, still, till, until, when, whenever, while.