paper describes a method that is analogous to quantum teleportation when moving certain objects with the indication of some paradoxes. At the same time, much attention is paid to the general representation of the process, and mathematical patterns are also given. This method is also a kind of solution to the ethical problem of classical quantum teleportation.
Keywords: photon tunneling, teleportation, transition, nuclear reactions, entangled particles.
Today, the phenomenon of quantum teleportation is actively known, which makes it possible to entangle two certain particles, linking their spins to each other, while most often two photons or electrons can be connected. To bind photons, the most commonly used is the passage of a laser beam (with more uniform characteristics) and, if necessary, which is more likely to interfere through a nonlinear crystal with separation into two additional beams. The most common are barium beta-borate, lithium triborate, potassium titanyl phosphate, potassium niobate, or the more commonly used L-arginine maleine dihydrate or 2-L-methionyl maleine dihydrate.
Two electrons can also be entangled in a similar way, but the problem was that upon contact of such particles with others with a subsequent change in their spin, the second entangled particle, located at an arbitrarily large distance, turned into an exact copy of the given particle, when it collapsed fully. But here the question initially arises of delivering the second particle – a photon or electron to the place where the object itself needs to be sent, and this in itself causes both inconvenience and too much time wasting to move at least to other exoplanets located at a distance no less than tens of light years.
Moreover, the very assertion of the destruction of the original object leads to a kind of strange feeling about the ethics of this kind of experiment, since when using macro objects or biological organisms, the original being is simply destroyed and its copy remains. A companion, rather than a substitute for such an idea, is a new theory of photon tunneling based on the following idea.
Any part in any system has a precise defined energy that can be transferred in the form of a wave, in particular in the form of a photon or gamma ray, and also in the form of a particle with high energy. For this example, deuterons will be used, into which all particles of the body will be generated according to (1), when bombarded by a stream of electrons with certain energies.
But it is worth considering that in this case, the electron energy was selected resonantly, that is, in such a way as to increase the probability of a given reaction channel in relation to others up to 96—97%, as happens in energy resonant nuclear reactions with increased monochromaticity. And since there are no more than 1-5 particles with almost identical energy in the body, then in 4.85 cases out of 5 particles, they will be converted into such deuteron-neutron pairs correctly, and the remaining parts can be turned into the most probabilistic channel, forming other more massive particles, most often nuclei, by the energies of which it is easy to understand which of the pairs they belong to.
Further, due to their charge, deuterons are removed from the chamber, and neutrons, with residual nuclei, are additionally irradiated by protons, while equation (2) applies for nuclei, and (3) for neutrons.
The energy of proton beams is also selected resonantly. And all electron shells for all irradiated nuclei under the influence of an electric field with an accurate calculation of energy changes when they meet with a parasitic electric field of electromagnets (when rotated by magnetic fields) are calculated separately. Further, the neutrons remaining after this are additionally bombarded by protons according to (3). As a result, the body is divided into 3 layers of deuteron flows with their own pairs and identical energies, each of which is selected and calculated separately. Thus, there are three groups of particles – deuterons and electrons, into which the organism has turned, and electrons, according to the energy of which it is possible to write down the energy in the form of information for each deuteron-electron particle of the organism.
Next, we can consider the probability of tunneling of such a particle (4).
From this relation, it turns out that for the tunneling of an object, the kinetic energy of the particle itself must be equal to the value of the potential barrier, which led to the highest probability of 80%. In the case of a different difference, that is, when the energy of the particle is less than the potential barrier, the probability begins to fall rapidly, when in the opposite case it increases.
The above arguments are, in essence, direct evidence that it is enough to give and choose the correct vector for all three groups of deuterons-electrons of the body using one or another accelerator, in which it is necessary to maintain the highest possible high vacuum, as the fluctuations will increase many times and this will lead to the disappearance of all particles at one point and the transition to a certain point in the universe, depending on the size of the barrier – the length of the path and direction – the vector of the radiation itself.
Thus, it is possible to present the latest technology of teleportation of any object, without its preliminary destruction, in terms of the use of quantum tunneling at the moment, or its transition through the space of photon fluctuations, if we consider this kind of teleportation type.
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