in an imbalance in any form. Any entity that caused what Xenixel considered enough of an imbalance to Beyond—regardless of whether or not they were mortal, god, or SuperGod—would either be erased or exiled.
However, before establishing his faction, Xenixel wanted to build a body of entities with similar prowess to him that would help manage and form important decisions regarding his Beyond bubble and eventually his Beyond bubble cohort. Xenixel wanted a Council. Such entities that would be members of his Council—"CouncilGods"—at the very least needed either his strength or his intelligence.
Xenixel possessed a body of knowledge he called "omniscience^3" and a level of strength he called "omnipotence^3". Initially, such names were a means of putting down weaker entities but a standard for labeling infinite strength or intelligence as "omnipotence" or "omniscience" would eventually be developed from the standard Xenixel set.
Xenixel would eventually search for "like-minded SuperGods" that had omnipotence^3 and/or omniscience^3 throughout his region of the Transcendentem using carefully selected parties of brainwashed omnipotent^1 entities. In metatime, Xenixel would find two other entities that fit his criteria of having "omnipotence^3"—though Xenixel noted that the two only possessed omniscience^2. The entities were known as Empiroxus and Abstractil. Empiroxus and Abstractil were partners who, similar to Xenixel, disliked chaos and disorder so they found it fair to join up with Xenixel. However, unlike Xenixel, the two of them saw it as somewhat necessary for Xenixel's subordinates such as themselves, the omnipotent^1 monocosmal balancing entities, and perhaps the mortals living within the atoms of Beyond bubbles known as small omniverses, to at least have some amount of independent thought and free will. Empiroxus and Abstractil also disliked Xenixel's proposed strategy to immediately erase entities that stepped out of line. Xenixel reluctantly complied with their suggestions but was eventually satisfied when his bubble remained balanced, though he still had a somewhat low opinion of the new members of his Council. If Empiroxus or Abstractil were to go out of line, Xenixel would have no qualms with exiling them on the spot. Many entities that knew Empiroxus and Abstractil disapproved of their decision to join Xenixel as they saw the SuperGod as corrupt and his ideology as incredibly flawed. Empiroxus was tasked to gather the stability agent Staterium, and along his journey, he was questioned by his former allies as to why he decided to move. Empiroxus had told them that life was overall better for him and Abstractil in Xenixel's Beyond bubble.
Rumour had it that there was an omniscient^3 roaming around Xenixel's cohort, so he decided to leave Empiroxus and Abstractil in charge of his bubble and search for the being himself. His reasoning behind this decision was that as he possessed omniscience^3 himself, he would be the best at being able to tell if another entity also had the ability. Eventually, Xenixel had found the entity rumoured to have had omniscience^3 and suffice to say he was quite satisfied with what she was capable of. The entity was an omnipotent^2 named Matharin who had a harsh existence so far, living in the outskirts of a very unstable Beyond bubble with her omnipotent^2 and omniscient^2 partner Conceptilum. One noteworthy thing about Matharin was her overattachment and overcommitment to her strangely compliant partner and only friend Conceptilum. Xenixel found it quite amusing that Matharin sought joy and completeness from within someone “inferior in intellect” to her, but nonetheless thought that Matharin was incredibly selfless and if her drive was fully directed towards ridding her new home of disorder and chaos, it along with her access to great knowledge would benefit the Council by a long shot. Conceptilum, in spite of his physical weakness, was very acquiescent and Xenixel figured that he would be able to follow all of his commands without much question. Upon perhaps an uplift to omnipotence^3, Conceptilum would also likely be truly a great asset to the Council. Xenixel also figured that it would be best to add Conceptilum to the Council as Matharin seemed like the kind of SuperGod who would kill herself the instant her partner was permanently separated from her, which would completely waste her vast amount of potential. Xenixel very willingly invited the pair to the Council and Matharin, with only Conceptilum’s safety in mind and now knowing that Xenixel’s bubble was the safest place in her cohort, very willingly accepted.
Empiroxus and Abstractil got along very well with Matharin and Conceptilum. As such, tasks were done very efficiently and Xenixel was more pleased than he had ever been in his life. However, the older pair can not help but start to wonder if Matharin was really as stable as she claimed. Matharin seemed to act as if she had destroyed half her mind trying to find as many solutions to her problems as possible. Matharin and Conceptilum’s lives as they were constantly in danger must have influenced Matharin to access as much knowledge as she needed to keep Conceptilum safe. Matharin’s suspected unstableness influenced the older pair to help the younger pair as much as they could—even if it meant going behind Xenixel’s back.
When enough resources were gathered, Xenixel had formally announced his decision to start up a new project. This project went by the name “Project Hellensoerensen” and the goal was to build an automaton with the potential to greatly exceed the strength of a SuperGod. Each CouncilGod had to hold a crystal made of an extremely rare variant of trosinium only found in a very distant remote bubble that would activate a portion of the automaton when needed. With two omniscient^3 entities in the Council, it seemed very feasible that the project would be able to be finished. In metatime, a prototype of Hellensoerensen was completed. This first version of the automaton could support the “addition” of the potences of six SuperGods. There were enough crystals of the trosinium variant to make activators for eleven SuperGods so the Council had more than enough trosinium to use Hellensoerensen at full power. However, an issue with that was that there were currently only five members of the Council. So, the Council was unable to activate Hellensoerensen at its maximum possible power even if they needed to. Xenixel figured that it was only best that they search for an entity to be a new member of the Council. So Xenixel yet again sent Empiroxus to search for what he needed. While Empiroxus was to search, Abstractil was to help prepare Conceptilum for an uplifting to omnipotence^3.
After Conceptilum's uplift and a reluctant acceptance from Xenixel, he and Matharin made the decision to create SuperGods to raise into the Council—not because they wanted more SuperGods to pressure into managing the Council and forcefully uplift (taxing their sanity) but to give some meaning to their existence and to allow new SuperGods to grow up in an environment that the pair never had the chance to grow up in. Xenixel's uneasiness of whether or not the creations would influence the stability of Beyond was eased when it was pointed out that perhaps yet another SuperGod gifted with the knowledge that Matharin and Xenixel shared may be born. So Conceptilum and Matharin used five Godverses to crafted into eggs that would incubate their creations. The first egg hatched into a SuperGod that would be named Paradoxus.
Matharin and Conceptilum had been given very strict orders from Xenixel on how Paradoxus was to be raised and what should be done regarding preventing potential imbalances of Beyond caused by the newly-created SuperGod running amuck. Paradoxus and his to-be-hatched siblings were to stay confined to a monocosm almost separate from the rest of Beyond until they were ready to become Council members, much to the disapproval of his parents and Abstractil. As Paradoxus grew, he began to resent Xenixel for preventing him to do anything interesting and distancing any close relationship with his parents. When Matharin and Conceptilum's second egg was close to hatching into the SuperGod to-be-named Logixel, Paradoxus was finally glad to have something new and interesting in his life.
Empiroxus would eventually return to Xenixel's Beyond bubble with an omnipotent^3 SuperGod alongside him. The SuperGod was called Peralitus and he was an entity very willing to be a subordinate to what he saw as a strong, powerful leader like Xenixel. Peralitus, while the newest member of the Council, was very ambitious and strived to be the second-in-command member of the Council. He grew very jealous of Matharin when he found out about her omniscience^3 and position in the Council. Peralitus wanted her position and if he were to find an opportunity to strip Matharin of her position, he would take it. However, he knew that it was not particularly likely that such a scenario was not likely to happen at the moment and decided to wait until anything in his favour happened.
In metatime, Logixel would hatch. Unlike Paradoxus, Logixel grew somewhat content with staying in his monocosm and listening to Xenixel's orders. Paradoxus, without realizing that Logixel had not lived long enough to