Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z

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close attention.

      Mediterranean, a. Midland.

      Medium, n. 1. Intervening substance.

      2. Means, instrumentality.

      3. Mean average, mean proportion.

      4. (Painting.) Menstruum.

      5. (Logic.) Middle term.

      Medley, n. Mixture, miscellany, jumble, farrago, hotch-potch, hodge-podge, salmagundi, gallimaufry, mish-mash, pot-pourri, olio, mélange, confused mass.

      Meeching, n. Sneaking, skulking, base, creeping, cowardly, vile, mean, contemptible.

      Meed, n. Reward, recompense, remuneration.

      Meek, a. Humble, lowly, submissive, mild, soft, gentle, modest, demure.

      Meekness, n. Humbleness, humility, lowliness, lowness, demureness, condescension, self-abasement, gentleness, modesty, submission, submissiveness, mildness.

      Meerschaum, n. (Min.) 1. Magnesite, sea-foam, hydrous silicate of magnesia.

      2. Turkish pipe.

      Meet, a. Fit, proper, fitting, befitting, suitable, suited, adapted, appropriate, congenial.

      Meet, v. a. 1. Come together (from opposite directions).

      2. Confront, encounter, come up to face to face.

      3. Find, meet with, light on, fall upon, fall in with, happen upon.

      4. Fulfil, comply with.

      Meet, v. n. 1. Encounter one another.

      2. Unite, join, converge, come in contact.

      3. Assemble, congregate, muster, collect, come together, flock together, meet together.

      Meet with, 1. Find, meet, light on, fall upon, fall in with, happen upon.

      2. Suffer, be subjected to.

      Meeting, n. 1. Interview, encounter.

      2. Assembly, assemblage, congregation, concourse, gathering, company, collection of people.

      Meeting-house, n. Church, temple, house of worship, house of God.

      Megrims, n. pl. Dejection, melancholy.

      Melancholy, n. Dejection, depression, gloominess, sadness, gloom, despondency, hypochondria, blues, blue devils, dumps, megrims, vapors, low spirits, depression of spirits.

      Melancholy, a. Dejected, dispirited, depressed, sad, sorrowful, lackadaisical, atrabillous, gloomy, hypochondriac, blue, dumpish, mopish, glum, downcast, desponding, down-hearted, chap-fallen, crest-fallen, hypped, low-spirited, cast down, in the dumps, with a long face, down in the mouth, out of sorts.

      Mélange, n. [Fr.] Mixture, medley, farrago, jumble, hodge-podge, hotch-potch, salmagundi, olio, olla podrida, pot-pourri, gallimaufry, mish-mash, confused mass.

      Mélée, n. [Fr.] Fight (of combatants confusedly mixed), affray, contest, row, fray, broil, brawl, rumpus.

      Meliorate, v. a. Improve, better, mend, amend, emend, ameliorate, make better.

      Melioration, n. Improvement, amendment, emendation, amelioration.

      Mellifluence, n. Smoothness, softness, mellowness, sweetness, sweet flow.

      Mellifluent, a. Smooth, soft, mellow, euphonious, euphonic, sweet, silver-toned, sweetly flowing.

      Mellifluous, a. Smooth, soft, mellow, euphonious, euphonic, sweet, silver-toned, sweetly flowing.

      Mellite, n. Honey-stone.

      Mellow, a. 1. Ripe, mature.

      2. Soft, mellifluous, smooth, silver-toned, sweetly flowing.

      3. Perfected, well prepared.

      4. Drunk, tipsy, fuddled, disguised, half seas over.

      Mellow, v. a. 1. Ripen, mature.

      2. Perfect, bring to perfection.

      Melodious, a. Musical, tuneful, sweet, dulcet, ariose.

      Melody, n. 1. Pleasing succession of sounds (as distinguished from harmony or the concord of sounds), sweetness of sound.

      2. Song, descant, tune.

      Melt, v. a. 1. Liquefy (by heat), fuse.

      2. Soften, make gentle, make susceptible.

      Melt, v. n. 1. Dissolve, become liquid.

      2. Be softened, be made gentle.

      Member, n. 1. Limb.

      2. Part, portion, constituent, component part, subordinate part.

      3. Head, clause, branch.

      Membership, n. 1. Being a member.

      2. Society, association, members, body of members.

      Memento, n. Memorial, remembrancer, souvenir.

      Memoir, n. 1. Personal narrative, familiar biography.

      2. Record, register, journal, written account.

      Memorable, a. Signal, notable, remarkable, extraordinary.

      Memorandum, n. Note, minute.

      Memorial, n. Monument, commemorative record.

      Memorial, a. Commemorative.

      Memoria technica, [L.] Mnemonics.

      Memoriter, a. From memory, by heart.

      Memorize, v. a. 1. Learn, learn by heart, commit to memory.

      2. Cause to be remembered, hand down to memory by records.

      Memory, n. 1. Recollection, remembrance, reminiscence.

      2. Memorial, commemorative record.

      3. Fame, renown, reputation, celebrity.

      Menace, v. a. Threaten, denounce, defy.

      Menace, n. Threat, threatening, denunciation.

      Mend, v. a. 1. Repair, refit, retouch, patch up, touch up.

      2. Improve, ameliorate, meliorate, correct, rectify, reform, amend, emend, make better.

      Mend, v. n. Improve, amend, become better.

      Mendacious, a. False, lying, deceitful, fallacious.

      Mendacity, n. 1. Disposition to lie, habit of lying.

      2. Falsehood, deceit, duplicity, artifice, trickery.

      Mendicancy, n. Beggary, mendicity.

      Mendicant, n. Beggar, pauper, starveling, poor or indigent person.

      Mendicity, n. Beggary, mendicancy.

      Menhaden, n. [Sometimes written Manhaden.] Hardhead, pauhaugen, moss-bunker.

      Menial, a. Servile, slavish, low, mean, base, abject, vile, sorry.

      Menial, n. Servant, domestic, waiter, lackey, underling, flunkey, understrapper, valet, footman, slave, Helot, serf, bondsman.

      Meniver, n. [Written also Miniver.] Ermine, stoat.

      Menses, n. pl. Catamenia, monthly courses, menstrual discharges, menstrual flux.

      Menstrual, a. 1. Monthly.

      2. Catamenial.

      Menstruum, n. Solvent, medium.

      Mensurable, a. Measurable.

      Mensuration, n. 1. Measuring, measurement.

      2. Surveying, survey.

      Mental, a. Intellectual, spiritual, rational, ideal, subjective, psychological, metaphysical.

      Mention, n. [Used chiefly in the phrase make mention of.] Cursory reference or allusion.

      Mention, v. a. Declare, name, tell, state, communicate, impart, report, cite, speak of, make known, make mention of, allude to, refer to.

      Mentor, n. Counsellor, adviser, monitor, guide, instructor.

      Mephitic, a. Fetid, foul, noisome, noxious, poisonous, pestilential, baleful.

      Mephitical, a. Fetid, foul, noisome,