Анна Игоревна Комарова

Испанский язык. Устные темы (A1-A2) 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата

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of 3 units of 11—12 orders of magnitude, due to the variation of the value up to 20 MeV;

      • The first application of the possibility of conducting nuclear reactions on protons and deuterons with Coulomb barriers on any nuclei;

      • The only device on the planet in the entire history of mankind with such critical experimental accuracy;

      • Indicated as the first research in the field of physics of resonant nuclear reactions;

      • The first presentation of a charged particle accelerator as a source of electrical energy;

      • The only studies as an accelerator without switching to the method of generating electric energy with the transition to a pit mechanism;

      • Huge amount of generated electrical energy;

      • The possibility of switching to higher cores (from 119 cores).

      Speaking about the novelty of this study, along with a lot of points, which in this case are only partially given, it is important to clarify the fact that the feature of the accelerator being created for the research laboratory under the Electron project LCU-EPD-20 is accuracy. It is the ability to give duants a certain voltage, that when passing through the slits of the electric field, where the beam is accelerated, it is accelerated only by a certain number, which is only a part of the final energy.

      As can be indicated in the very name of the reaction, it is necessary to cause resonance, but not because of a particular «coincidence», namely because of the energy approach, as described earlier, but will be described in even more detail in subsequent chapters, where the history of accelerator technology is initially given, then the basic physical and mathematical apparatus is developed, allowing to already operate with the resulting beam acceleration systems.

      The practical results will be as follows:

      • A whole program has been developed for the implementation of LCU-EPD-20;

      • All the necessary data of LCU-EPD-20 have been calculated;

      • All physics and working methods for the new LCU-EPD-20 have been obtained;

      • The technology of creating the LCC-EPD-20 accelerator has been developed;

      • Distinctive features of resonant accelerators are expressed;

      • The project of the research laboratory under the new project «Electron» with the use of LCU-EPD-20 has been developed;

      • The concept of a research laboratory under the Electron project using LCU-EPD-20 has been developed;

      • The monograph «The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy for the generation of electrical energy. The Electron Project» with a description of the 1st stage of the Electron project research;

      • It is planned to publish a whole list of monographs for a detailed description of the LCC-EPD-20 accelerator project;

      • The «Road map» of the Electron project has been developed.

      The reliability of the results is based on the fact that generally accepted mathematical, physical and other operations will be used. Experimental data obtained in various laboratories and research centers, as well as from the practice of scientists, on the creation of such accelerators will also be used.

      This research was discussed more than once at a meeting of doctors and candidates of physical and mathematical Sciences of Fergana State University, reviewers of the monograph on the 1st stage of the Electron project, scientists of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, as well as during a discussion with a doctor of Technical Sciences, associate professor of the Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics of the National University of Uzbekistan.

      The results of the research are published in scientific articles in the international journals «Exact Science», «Young Scientist» and some others, in this monograph and in the monograph of Aliyev I. H. and Sharofutdinova F. M. «The use of accelerators and phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy for generating electrical energy. The Electron Project», published back in 2021, the reviewers for which were Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University Otazhonov Salim Madrahimovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics of the National University of Uzbekistan Kuldashev Obbos Khakimovich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University Karimov Bokhodir Khoshimovich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of Physics-Abdurakhmonov Sultonali Madrahimovich, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University Zainolobidinova Sapura Malikovna, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University Yuldoshaliev Dilshod Kuldoshalievich».

      This is exactly what the project of the world’s first resonant type accelerator LCC-EPD-20 looks like at the moment. And after carrying out the entire Electron project, it is possible to achieve the implementation of a grandiose work that opens up new opportunities, makes the whole state completely energy independent, because these 17.56 GWh of electric energy is more than enough to provide the entire Republic of Uzbekistan by 174.4%, thanks to which a new branch of infrastructure may appear, which is the direction of energy exports from the state, which will also lead to the improvement and development of the state economy, not only in the industrial sense, but also in the real scientific sense!

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