Anastasia Kuznetsova

Fire Smoldering Under Water

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re Smoldering Under Water

      Anastasia Kuznetsova

      Jean Batist Butera

      Translator Andrey Vladimirovich Matveev

      © Anastasia Kuznetsova, 2018

      © Jean Batist Butera, 2018

      © Andrey Vladimirovich Matveev, translation, 2018

      ISBN 978-83-8126-877-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      In Third and First Person

      Each of us has their own mission. This is the Book of Life consisting of two volumes.

      In the first volume it is written how this mission is manifested from the moment of our birth.

      This cannot be changed. The first volume’s pages are made of ashes, which we have been and which we will become. It contains a description of conditions and circumstances of the beginning of our life journey:

      In which particular country and in which family we are born. With what abilities and appearances. With what health, physical as well as mental. With what propensities and perception. All these being unchangeable and predetermined.

      The second volume contains a set of probabilities. Its pages are made of standard white paper. It is written there what we have come into this world for. And for each one something personal is written there.

      Someone can become a doctor and devote their life to rescue people’s lives. Some can become a teacher or a police officer, or a factory worker, or can just give people good in all its manifestations.

      And someone’s destiny is to become a drug addict or a criminal. Or to spend the whole life on a couch looking at the world trough a TV screen and never enjoy the taste of that special pleasure, which arises in the course of a rewarding service to people.

      Each person has their own option with regards to all possible forms of manifesting creativeness and destructiveness.

      In the second volume of the Book of Life everything is predetermined. All possible probabilities of emanations for our existence.

      But there is a special circumstance. The truth is, that the white paper pages are inscribed with a graphite pencil. This is a rough copy. Sometimes there are mistakes in a rough copy…

      This is a special style of communications between the Creator and his creatures.

      If individuals just follow their fate not trying to get to the core of their lives’ script and to change it if necessary – they live according to the rough copy. And then, in the process of living their life, the vessel of their soul is filled with dirt of negative emotions. Because they are not aware of the main gift given to them for their existence.

      The Supreme Being, in his own image and likeness, has put in each of us a particle of himself. There is a particle of God in each of us.

      But even the brightest beam of light from the star called the Sun can not break through the darkness of night. Such is the nature of the universe.

      We can exercise control over our own DNA and heal ourselves with the help of feelings and the strength of faith.

      Create eternal beauty in a creative manifestation of art whatever it is.

      We can safeguard peace and also can destroy every living thing around us in a matter of minutes.

      We have been given great power and great responsibility. Each of us. Without exceptions.

      The Supreme Being has put in our fingers the key to the house, in which the world is filled with love. He even has brought us to the appropriate door, knowing that people look but do not see. We only have to insert the key in the keyhole and turn it. How incredibly hard it is to do it sometimes…

      There are some soul traumas in each individual’s life. This is a natural way of soul evolution. Living with and overcoming sufferings – this is an inherent challenge in the formation of spirituality. But we do not have a culture of going through a trauma; we reject the very possibility of such a situation.

      We are the modern, developed society of human civilization. We have forgotten the culture and the traditions of our ancestors who knew how to deal with death. And knew how to deal with life. And knew how to separate one from the other.

      Psychological traumas appear to be different.

      For example, when confronted with the betrayal of a loved one, we start to delve into a deep disappointment, to seek for a possible reason, to be torn between resentment and guilt.


      In fact, the world differs from our vision of it. And only the strength of our faith turns our vision into reality. And so it is. Subject to one small but fundamental remark.

      Your life’s faith should concern yourself only.

      Other people shall have the right not to participate in it.

      And if you put your faith in another person and they do not meet your expectations, this error is yours. And only yours.

      Or when you lose someone you love, someone who is infinitely dear to your heart. And you feel like your life has lost all its meaning.

      The woe becomes unbearable.

      But we come into this world alone and we die alone. This life is only yours.

      All other people are just travel companions regardless of how dear they are to your heart. Who told you that you have the right to abandon your only mission – your own life?

      Traumas appear to be different. You may get a diagnosis, with which you will have to die. Or to carry on somehow. In spite of. Or because of. Now this is your choice.

      All that matters is the love which lives within you. Love of life. Love of God. Love of your family. Love and gratitude. For a chance given to you – to exist. Regardless of the circumstances and conditions, those are inscribed on white paper pages with a graphite pencil of fate.

      Because this is a rough copy. And you can rewrite it. As did the two people who wrote this book and who were able to rewrite the rough copies of their own destinies…

      …It was a wonderful autumn evening. In downtown St. Petersburg, near the building of the institute named after Bekhterev, there was a conversation between two psychologists, two scientists, two people who worked with psychological traumas. They came to an international conference on hypnosis – he arrived from Belgium, she came from Moscow. They were practitioners in the complicated science, which deals with human woe. Practitioners in the literal sense of this word.

      Perhaps, this was the only thing they had in common. In all other respects they presented an example of colorfully illustrated dualism. Furthermore, when God decided to introduce them to each other he was in high spirits.

      God has a sophisticated sense of humor.

      Sometimes it is barely noticeable.

      Belgian psychiatrist Jean Batist had arrived to Russia to exchange experience with his Russian colleagues. What features stood out absolutely about Jean Batist, were the black color of his skin and his snow-white smile. He was a strong built, silver-haired African with a keen glance and soft voice. Born in Rwanda, as the best student, he had been sent to study in Moscow, where he got medical education. While studying in Moscow Jean Batist had met his future wife, who loved him all her life as only Russian women were able to love – with passion, understanding, with unconditional love of the queen to her king as well as with great food, which even Michelin chefs would not be able to cook. Because the most delicious food for our body as well as for our soul is based on love. He was a happy man, whom his beloved woman had presented with beautiful children, who, in their turn, had already delighted Jean Batist with grandchildren.

      His path of life had brought him to Belgium, where he worked as a psychiatrist in a clinic. Jean Batist worked with various patients as he believed that