Andrey Sokolov

Deficiency and abundance. Fishing Rod for Goldfish

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p>Deficiency and abundance

      Fishing Rod for Goldfish

      Andrey Sokolov

      Author’s translation from Russian. I ask to forgive the author for the quality of the translation

      © Andrey Sokolov, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4490-9552-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      What is the deficit and what is the abundance in your personal life?

      With the concept of scarcity and abundance of people found everywhere.

      Deficit is a lack of something.

      Hunger is a shortage of food.

      Disease is a health deficit.

      Stupidity, ignorance is a lack of knowledge.

      Poverty is a shortage of money.

      Loneliness is a lack of communication.

      Longing is a lack of happiness.

      Boredom is a lack of entertainment, a lack of business and work.

      Fear is a deficit of security.

      A hungry person experiences a food deficit, a poor man is short of money.

      Abundance is similarly found in ordinary life. When a person is full, when he no longer wants to eat, when saturation is full. Or the abundance of food. In abundance, the necessary category, thing or resource is in the required quantity and even with a margin. With an abundance of anything, a person ceases to feel the urgent need for additional access to this resource.

      Actually, reading this book reduces the lack of knowledge and skills. And, as you can see, by reducing the deficit of knowledge, you can reduce the deficit of money, reduce the deficit of relations, security, etc.

      And reducing the deficit is the first step to abundance.

      Visually, scarcity and abundance can be placed on the chart, where to the right of zero along the X axis there is abundance, and on the left – Deficiency.

      On the Y axis, you can place any priorities important for a particular person: activity, money, health, love, communication, etc.

      It is important to understand that the concept of deficiency can be objectively, but more often subjectively.

      For example, someone believes that the temperature is minus 10 degrees – it’s cold, but for someone and the minus 20 is quite comfortable.

      It follows that the abundance of cold is a deficit of heat. Therefore, it is more reasonable to indicate positive characteristics of types on the graph. For example, write Health, not Disease. Otherwise, confusion will result – Abundance of disease is a Deficiency of health. We aspire to an abundance of health, and not to an abundance of disease. Therefore, on the Y-axis, we indicate the category we want to receive in abundance.

      Why is it even necessary?

      By splitting your life into such components, into categories, you can understand where to make more effort to achieve overall comfort and satisfaction.

      In addition, because the sense of deficiency and abundance is subjective, it is important to understand for yourself where there is a real deficit, and where imaginary.

      After all, if the machine is needed for movement, only its capacity and reliability are important. And the cost of such a machine may not be great. So, there will be no shortage of money when buying it. Or it will not be great. And if the task of acquiring a car is a status in the eyes of others, then the deficit of money can be felt constantly. And it is quite possible that it is more reasonable to look at the machine as a function and use it as a function. Function of driving. And not as a function of a gold ingot on wheels.

      Even a rich, from the point of view of someone, a person can feel poor and in order to increase his wealth. And at the same time, a person who does not have a lot of money can not lack in them, do not feel a shortage of money. Everything depends on the reference point and the accuracy of the landmarks.

      From this it follows that the concept of scarcity and abundance are subjective categories.

      Someone, experiencing a slight indisposition, feels a huge deficit of health.

      And at the same time, a person in abrasions and bruises can consider himself perfectly healthy and happy. It is enough to remember the boys as a child.

      From the same it follows that the concept of deficiency and abundance are interrelated and located on the same axis of coordinates. Those. to the left of zero along the X axis is a state or a sense of deficiency, and to the right – abundance.

      Why is all this important?

      This makes it possible to obtain a measurement method similar to a ruler or weights that can measure its state and correct scarce values. Independently. Not trusting someone else’s opinion.

      After all, very often, under the influence of advertising, propaganda, habits, attitudes and customs, other information noise or habitual cliches, it seems to us that we are sorely lacking something. But is it really so? And what is needed in reality? A new iron, a chocolate, a fur coat, a cool car… or a hug of a loving person?

      Using the schedule in the context of the categories of your life and daily activities in a system of scarcity and abundance can help a person if they do not find harmony or comfort, then increase the amount of satisfaction they receive from life.

      How to use the concept of scarcity and abundance to improve the quality of life?

      How to use the concept of scarcity and abundance in your life? How these concepts and the coordinate system can help a person live a more comfortable life. And maybe happy.

      Suppose that there is a choice – to stay for an hour at work and get some money. Or return early to the family or friends and get a little more rest, love or fellowship.

      You can look at how this task is being solved by workaholics or some employees in pursuit of a premium. And you can see how the hippies solved this problem.

      Is it possible at least theoretically? Of course.

      Can there be harm to a person if he does not experience a deficit? Can not. However, this is an idle question – some deficits return to life constantly – otherwise we would not eat or sleep.

      Abundance is not comfort, not harmony. This is satisfaction, which is closer to happiness.

      Heavy workout or work can not bring comfort or harmony – muscles ache, there is fatigue… but there is satisfaction.

      All deficient states break harmony and do not bring pleasure. While the lack of a deficit, and even more so the state of abundance, increases the amount of satisfaction with life and the amount of happiness.

      A person, lacking sleep and rest, can get sick, his working capacity will be reduced and he is unlikely to be happy about it.

      Deficiency of love can lead to the emergence of neuroses and depression.

      Thus, using the concepts of scarcity and abundance can help a person manage his life.

      After all, it is these concepts that govern man from the outside.

      Deficiency and abundance is used both in the marketing of goods, and in the manipulation of people by the state. But more on that later.

      First, we’ll figure it out for ourselves. We will receive a tool to manage our lives and only then, on the basis of it, we will learn to resist manipulation from the outside.

      In the process of life a person receives a lot of signals and landmarks. Often false.

      As a result, a person begins to get confused and rush from